Chapter One

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Izuku walked into his apartment with his dad, the box he was carrying was quite heavy. "Dad, what's in this box?" Am hesitantly answered, "Stuff." Izuku looked unimpressed.

"Really? Never would've guessed!" Am sighed. "Stuff pertaining to your quirk." Izuku's eyes lit up, he turned his head so fast. "What stuff!" Am motioned for him to open the box , when Izuku opened he was amazed scrolls upon scrolls upon scrolls. Izuku noticed the glint of something metallic at the bottom of the box.

Izuku pulled out a three-pronged kunai. He read the kanji on it, "sword of love and endurance." (Got this from the wiki may not be right) Am smiled. "Its from your great... a lot of greats grandfather, Minato Namikaze fastest man to walk the earth." Izuku was stunned, he recognized the name a Hokage. A leader from before quirks emerged.

"Wait, but I thought they didn't have quirks back then so how could he still be the fastest?" Am laughed. "Son that's a good question let me explain." Ninjutsu and naruto's story explained. (You think I'm going tell you naruto's plot? Ha! I ain't got 30 years of my life to waste) Izuku didn't say anything just staring at his father. "So that's basically it, but the scrolls will tell you how to use Ninjutsu and some basic jutsu."

Training montage? Idk how to make one of those tho... :( so quick summary. Izuku at this point is 12 I know I made him younger it's so he can enter UA and get all the pus- good grades. So he has two years to train, I want to say he trains his body before using his quirk but he wouldn't, no one would. If you learn that you have a ability that can make you teleport shoot fire from your mouth etc. YOU GONNA TRAIN THAT! DONT SAY YOU'LL TRAIN YOUR BODY FIRST YAH A LIAR!!!!! anyways So yeah he trains with his quirk for a year and a half the last half he trains his body cause his father forces him to. Now abilities!

Stuff he kinda has to know:
Rasengan, Chidori, Flying Raijin, Three tomoe sharingan, Shadow clone. That's the least he has to know cause it wouldn't be a mhaxnaruto if he didn't would it?

Stuff I want him to know:
Wind style: Great Breakthrough.
Wind style: Air bullets.
Swift wind wall.
Water style: Wild Water Wave.
Black Rain Technique.
Water Severing Wave.
Water Clone.

I want him to have more but I don't want to look up more jutsu lists. Anyways back to the story!

UA Entrance Exam...

As Izuku walked to UA he realized how different everything was to his dinky middle school. 'So many people!' As Izuku walked he thought of his life in the past two years he was considerably paler, he didn't get to go out as often. He also didn't see Katsumi as much either.

As he was thinking about this he watched as a familiar blonde trip. He moves at a blinding speed and catches his friend, She looks up at him with shock. "Izuku?!" Izuku smiled at Katsumi. She smiles back, then punches him in the gut. "You save my life then don't talk to me for two years, not even a call."

"I'm sorry? I don't see the problem. Unless your not telling me something?" He said moving his face closer to hers. "Dumbasses! If your going to make out get a room." Izuku looked at Kacchan and laughed. "Your sister started it, and I'm not a dumbass." Izuku said walking into UA.

I'm sorry but I'm not in the best of moods and haven't been for a few days, I got sick and I have to watch children for a whole week. So I'm going to stop here before my writing becomes complete.


I reread this chap not proud but like I said, I'm not in the best of moods and I don't want to rewrite the whole damn thing)

Anyways, good afternoon, good evening, and good night

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