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"Alright, your going to need some partners for this job. You may do it here and at home but you must get it done before next monday." The teacher says calmly. "First fine your partners then i'll give you the rules."

"Hanji." I immediately turn to her.

"Nope, i'm going with Erwin, that means..." She gestured towards Eren.

I glance at him. I shake my head and pull Jean's hair. "Partner."

"Nope i'm working with some hot girl." He winked.

"I thought you were inlove with Marco you idiot, i'm telling Marco your cheating on him." I let go of his hair. He made a low groan sound.

I roll my eyes and turn to Eren. "Fine. Be my partner."

His smile grows bigger and bigger as he turns to me. "YAY." Everyone turned to look at us. I slap my forehead. "Whoops sorry." He giggled.

He grabbed my hand and put his other hand ontop of mines. "What are you doing." I glance at him.

"Cherishing this moment." He giggled.

"Well can you stop that?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Just wait." His tone was demanding as he looked at me. Finally he stopped and I got up. "Where are you going?"

"To wash my hands." I glance at my hands that were now dirty. He raised a small eyebrow before shrugging it off.

I walked out of the classroom without the teacher noticing. I then walk to the bathroom and wash my hands normally.

The announcements went off. "Oh shit.. I forgot about this one..-"

"Eren Yeager, dug in the trash for a bag that supposedly was for Levi Ackerman. Apparently Eren made it for Levi and Levi didn't want it and Eren still tried to give it to him. I find it funny how he's so obsessed with Levi. I mean aren't we all." I roll my eyes at that last sentence. "Anyway, I just figured out that Eren got abused at home by his mother once his dad found out about his mom cheated on him. Eren was the person who told their father about it. Supposedly, Eren had bruises all over him but he hides them very well."

Wait what. That's a very odd thing to say. I start walking back to the classroom as the announcements still go on. I open the door to see Eren and others surrounding him.

"D-DONT TOUCH ME." He yelled. He stood up. "IM NOT BRUISED ANYWHERE. AND MY MOM..." He stopped speaking. "She didn't cheat on my dad. So stop it." He said shakily.

He pushed through the crowds. When he saw me he walked up to me. He had this look on his face that could make anyone besides me shiver.

He walked straight past me. "That was surprising." I mumbled to myself. Usually he would hug me but maybe those words hit him hard.

Time skip

Apparently after last period he left school and went home. It's lunch time and supposedly my whole group is worried about him. "I just can't believe it. What if those rumors are true." Mikasa pinched her nose.

"They aren't." Hanji looked at me then back to Mikasa.

I'm sure she only looked at me because she knows that i'm the one who's getting people to do this.

As they continue to talk about it I walk off and decided to just go home too. I have nothing better to do since Petra is nowhere to be found.

I jump the fence and began my walk home. Knowing Mikasa she will be mad but whatever. I make it home and open the door.

Knowing my dad is awake I kinda feel like I need a beat down. "Skipping school are we?" He walked up to me.

Yeah. Well here's my beat down.

Time skip

After I got a beat down I didn't give any shits to clean them up. I lay on my bed slowly drifting off to sleep.

Eren's POV

I got home and snuck into my room. But it didn't matter that I did. Apparently my dad and mom saw me come through the window. So I got yelled at and a beat down.

Laying there in pain thinking about how did people get those rumors about me. It's true but how.. How did they figure it out. I've never told anyone about it.

I get back up and hide my bruises. I then get back onto my bed tiredly.

I felt so bad for just walking past Levi.. I was a bit mean to him. I should apologize tomorrow morning.

Next morning

HE'S NOT HERE. "Where is he?" I asked.

"Uh... Apparently he left at night time to go somewhere. I don't know where but i'm scared." She said quietly.

Slowly my heart breaks. What if something bad happened to him.. Why didn't he read the envelopes I gave him..

Levi's POV

I stayed in my own zone after I left the house. Yeah I brought his gay ass envelopes. Maybe he can make me laugh a little.

'Open when you need a good ass laugh'

I open it and pull out what was inside of it. Inside was a picture of him being stupid and other memes. He's lucky I like when people look stupid.

I pull out the note and began to read it.

(I'm so sorry if you can't read it I don't know why it's blurry)

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(I'm so sorry if you can't read it I don't know why it's blurry)

I chuckled at the fact that half of them aren't even funny. I put it back into the envelope. "Stupid rules. Reading two a week, seriously?"

I sit on a bench and throw my head back. I then lay my head down on the table. I know I can't sleep so I guess i'm going to walk around see where my feet take me.

Three days later

I went back home after it was time for Mikasa to be home. I got a beat down and got yelled at by Mikasa but it's whatever. I didn't go to school the next day either.

But finally i'm going back to school only because it's Friday. Thank god my dad is out fucking some whore so he's not gonna be home for awhile.

Mikasa and I start our walk to school.

Of course Eren is waiting for us like always. When he sees me his face lightened up. "LEVI! YOUR BACK." He ran over to me and hugged me.

I shove him off. "Yeah."

"I'm glad you are! I missed you." He smiled widely at me.



"We need to talk. Privately." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh okay, come on." He reached for my hand. I shove it away and look him in the eye.

Mikasa glared at me before walking off and waving at Eren. I walk towards the stairs and tell him to come with and so he does.

We're now on the roof. "So what is it?"

I pull stuff out from my backpack. "Kill yourself."

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