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A couple of days later at school and Eren is still trying his best to talk to me or hug me.

Too bad for him, I continue to expose any details I find out about him. He keeps coming to me about it too.

"LEVI." Eren yelled as he ran over to me with tears falling down his cheek. "I- People keep saying things about me..." He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Stop fucking touching me. Go talk to Mikasa about your problems not me." I shove him to the ground. He looks up at me with his helpless tears. "Sometimes I want to punch you in your fucking face until you bleed crimson red."

"B-but why..." He asked quietly.

I walked passed him but then...


I fell to the ground, why? Because dipshit over here grabbed my leg. "I- I'M SO SORRY LEVI." He got up and sat directly infront of me.

"Shut up." I stared deep into his soul. He slowly leaned back. "I should really beat your ass now."

"N-no.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you I just wanted you to come back." He looked away.

I stood up "You did? I'm so sorry. Come here." I held my arms out.

He looked up at me and his smile grew bigger. Idiot.

He got up and immediately started to wrap his arms around me until.. I swung at him. "Yeah I don't know why your so gullible." I chuckle as he dropped back to the ground groaning in pain. I walk passed him as he calls out for my name.

Stupid why would he want to be friends with someone like me. I'm nowhere near nice, well maybe to Petra and Mikasa the most.

I go up the stairs and up to the roof since i'm skipping anyway. Speaking of skipping, everytime something bad happened to him he leaves the classroom and comes and looks for me.

That's so stupid. Why doesn't he just stay. Hanji, Erwin, and Jean are there in first period, then the rest of my- no his "friends" are in second period. What more can he want of me? I really just want him to leave me alone.

I take a cigarette out of my box and light it up. I then place the cigarette onto my lips and inhale it for a long time then move the cigarette and blow it out.

I guess the only thing that can calm me down is smoking or getting high.

Eren's POV

I walk out of the school and towards the gates. I try to open it but it's locked. I sigh and start to climb over the fence. I decided just to go home for today and deal with consequences.

I don't want to hurt Levi anymore. I really need to get a grip. He doesn't want me to touch him...

I jump the fence and begin my walk home. Slowly and tiredly..

A couple of minutes later I make it home. I go directly to my window and open it. I get inside then shut my window. I place my backpack down. I then slowly open my door to see where my dad and mom are at. I then hear noises.

I walk out of my room and see my dad drunk on the couch. I walk past him and look inside of my moms room. "Great.." My mom was just fucking some random guy for money again, unless that random guy is her boyfriend. I swear he looks familiar.

I go back into my room and shut the door slowly. I get onto my bed and think about my Levi.

Why doesn't he want me? I won't hurt him.. I would never.. I just want him to be close to me.. I want him here right on my bed. I want to have my leg on his lap and my arms around him.

I want to be the one to make him happy.. I really do want to be the one... Nobody else just me..

Mikasa said he was bisexual so I have a chance.. But if he really doesn't want to be with me.. I need to backdown. BUT I JUST CANT.

Come on Levi.. Be mines.. Please.

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