"Yah, it is fine. Chewy was not even mad at all.", Sana said as she pats Jihyo's shoulder.

"..We want to apologize you ,Tzuyu. I thought what Mina said was real.", Jeongyeon said.

"Yea, Me too.. sorry Tzuyu yah.", Nayeon said.

"Mina was not able to control her emotions then, she also had a difficult time with her emotions too. But, I hope she gonna open up us in everything later...", Jihyo said as she looks at MoMo's place where Dahyun is currently sitting beside MoMo.

"I am fine. Unnies.. I just don't want our friendship being ruined.", Tzuyu chuckles as she said.

"Ah Hey look, what is Chaeyoung and Mina saying at the corner?", Nayeon points out.

"Maybe, they are clearing misunderstandings for each other.", Jihyo said with a smile.

"Well, let's go back to MoMo and other girls. We are basically a best friends' group. Shouldn't separate each other.", Sana said as she pushes Tzuyu slowly and makes her stands up.

Tzuyu then stands up and then walks back while grabbing Sana's hand. Jeongyeon, Nayeon and Jihyo follow behind them.

"Yo, MoMoring! Dubu!", Nayeon greets.

"Ahh Unnie !", Dahyun and MoMo said in union.

"And, everyone too.. ", Dahyun continues as she glances at Tzuyu with a sad smile now.

Tzuyu smiles awkwardly and then sits together with Sana. Dahyun is now trying her best to avoid the look with Tzuyu now,

"Are not the two girls there look like arguing now?", Dahyun said as she points at the direction of Mina and Chaeyoung.

"Oh my, seems like it. Wait, Mina is crying, omg!", Jeongyeon said as she looks.

"Ehhh, and Chaeyoung hugs her ?? Seriously, what is happening with those girls ..", Nayeon whines.

"Haha..", Tzuyu also head tilts and staring.

"Why did that small bean make MIna cry!?", Sana said as she tries to stand up and go to them. But Tzuyu stops her while grabbing Sana's shoulder slowly.

"Don't. let them be for awhile.", Tzuyu said.

While Tzuyu was talking Sana, Dahyun was staring at Tzuyu. And then, she tries to talk to Tzuyu.

"Hey, buddy. ", she calls Tzuyu.

"A-ahh, Dahyunie.?", Tzuyu looks at Dayhun.

"MoMo Unnie just explained me. I am sorry for my misunderstanding.", Dahyun said in a low tone.

"It happens. Don't worry now.", Tzuyu replies with a smile.

"Soo..are we okay now?", Dahyun continues.

"Yea. Bud. We are",

Tzuyu and Dahyun then smiles to each other also everyone did too. After that, as they watched quietly from far towards Mina and Chaeyoung, Chaeyoung comforted Mina with a tight hug for awhile and then they came back together to the table.

"Sorry guys, for waiting.", Chaeyoung said as she sits at a bench near them with Mina. Mina is lowering her head and still sniffing a bit.

"What is wrong? Did you bully her there?", Sana said with a pout.

"Hah!? Nah! I will never bully Mina unnie.. we were just clearing things..", Chaeyoung said as she chuckles.

"I misunderstood.. with Chaeyoungnie.. ", Mina said in a low tone.

"And I want to apologize everyone here. Deeply. I really didn't mean to hurt anyone.", Mina said as she bows.

"Hey, Mina yah. It is fine now. But next time, please tell us all okay?", Jihyo said.

"U-uhm Jihyo yah. I am sorry..", Mina nods as she said.

"Don't think of that now. Okay guys cheer up. Let's hang out a bit now.", Jeongyeon said with a smile and then the girls starts talking together while laughing before classes.

Minutes later,

Tzuyu, Chaeyoung and Dahyun walks back together to their classroom after saying good byes to the upper class girls.

"Ya, I can't believe Tzuyu. Why did you tell the results sooner than the official announcement?", Dahyun asked while walking beside Tzuyu.

"Yea, don't you afraid of getting caught by the heads?", Chaeyoung asked too.

"I believe you girls will not say back. And, I want you guys to know the good news first before graduation. ", Tzuyu smiles.

"You are a nice girl to us.", Dahyun hugs Tzuyu's neck as they side walking together.

"Yea. This pal is really lovely.", Chaeyoung said as she punches Tzuyu's arm slowly while walking too.

"Hahaa, you guys are being clingy now.",Tzuyu said as she walks with them.

"Do you feel sad if Sana will go to Japan back?", Chaeyoung asked.

"Of course, but for ourselves developments.. we have to separate a bit... I am sure we are on the same boat soon.", Tzuyu smiles weakly.

"Yea.. I don't know how to live without MoMo unnie..for awhile.", Dahyun whines.

"Me too.. Mina unnie..ah we just got okay though ! And, getting in a relationship and she will move back in a week ! I am so doomed bruh.", Chaeyoung said as she wants to cry.

"But, Jeongyeon , Nayeon and Jihyo unnie will leave the school in two days to agency.. ", Tzuyu continues.

"Ah, how lucky. They are going ahead earlier than us in training.", Chaeyoung replies.

"Will they come back for graduation right?", Dahyun asked Tzuyu as she head tilts while hugging her neck.

"Yea. From Agency.", Tzuyu said.

And then the three girls went inside their classroom.


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