Act Twenty-Five: Please wake up

Start from the beginning


Stiles panicking that Davina won't wake up, he could see her chest rising and falling. So he knew she was alive, but she wasn't waking up. As the Stilinski boy continued shaking his sister, only for her not to respond.

"Davina! Please wake up," stiles whispers as he continues trying to get his twin awake. "Please..." A small groan escaping Davinas lips as she puts her hand to her forehead. Feeling blood trickle down,

"Oh great," Davina mumbled as she slowly woke up, everything around her clicking. "Oh my god, we have to go! Like now."

"I've been waiting for you to wake up!" Stiles defends, Davina rolling her eyes as she jumps out of the jeep, it was obvious the jeep wasn't going to make it any farther.

"Not the time, which way do we go?" Davina asked as she looked around the woods. Her barely being able to see anything,

"I don't know... maybe straight." Stiles voiced laced with a Duh tone. Davina smacking the back of his head.

The two begin running as fast as they can, them trying not to trip over anything including their own feet. The two finally find the root cellar, only for them to see it start to crumble. A flash of panic starts running through Davinas veins.

Davina turns around only to see stiles start rushing into the root cellar, Davina following right behind him, she trusted he had a plan. Hopefully a good plan. Stiles sticks his bat between the ground and falling root cellar only for it to stop crumbling.

Davina and stiles wrapped their arms tightly around Noah Stilinski. "I always said aluminum was better than wood." He mumbled into the hug, Davina chuckling slightly.

"Is it over?" Allison ask hopeful. But no one having an answer yet. They still needed to hear from Scott. Davina looked towards Isaac and she lunged forward wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him into a hug, his arms snaking around her waist. "Really stiles? No negative comments?"

"She deserves a moment of a little happiness for a second." Stiles whisperers bitterly to Allison, a few seconds going by, "okay that's enough of that! Break it up!"


"Scott?" Stiles asked over the phone,

"Hey, are you okay?" Scott's voiced boomed through the phone,

"Yeah, we're okay. We're all okay. How about you? You okay?" Stiles asked, Davina eyeing the dry blood he had on his forehead.

"Sort of."

"Scotty, can you come get us?" Davina yelled into the phone, Scott smiling at the sound of his sisters voice.

"Yeah I'll be there soon V." Davina smiling proudly

"Great! Okay. Um, uh... Bring a ladder."


Davina finally showered and clean from the long day. Her falling onto her bed, her eyes closing and going into a sleep a second later.

Davina was woken up a few hours later by someone going through her window, her jumping up to turn the light on. She wasted no time throwing a stuff animal at the person, her sighing at the sight of Isaac.

"Jesus! Don't do that!" Davina putting her hand over her heart. Isaac chuckling, "so what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to check up on you. Stiles said you ran into a tree..."

"No, the tree ran into us." Davina crossed her arms over her chest, making Isaac bite back a smile. "I'm okay though, no need to get out the doc McStuffins work kit." Isaac looking at her weirdly, "nothing forget about it."

"You could of got some type of head injury or something so, you're stuck with me." Isaac told her as he laid down, putting a stuff animal on his chest. Davina smiling as she laid next to him.

"You don't have to do this isaac..."

"I know. But I want too." The two of their faces inches apart from each other, Isaacs eyes flicker between Davinas eyes and her lips.

"And why is that?" Davina ask inching closer, Isaacs face going a noticeable red, this time her eyes flickering between his eyes and his lips. As soon as Davina begins slowly leaning in her door burst opening making her jump back like crazy. "Scott?! What the fuck?"

"Stiles is making popcorn, we're going to watch starwars come on!" Scott cheers innocently, him finally noticing Isaac, "what are you doing here?"

"Checking on Davina..."

"Okay! Let's go, the popcorn just finished."

"We should go..."


This chapter is short!

But season 3A is over!!!


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