Year 7 - 197

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By the time the wedding ceremony had ended and they were all sat, waiting for their meals during the reception, Astrid was actually smiling. Despite her original seating, she had sneaked off to the table her friends occupied and they were conversing cheerily. It was very probable that continuous champagne consumption could've heavily contributed to that.

The Malfoy Manor was decorated as it had never been before. Malfoy fortune was on full display where the tables had been laid across the wide dining room, their tablecloths lined with real gold. Black and gold were the colours of the wedding. The only person who wasn't wearing beige or grey was the bride. Or maybe no longer so much bride as the wife. Astoria Malfoy.

The white lace of her dress hugged the upper part of her body, then sprawled loosely over her ankles. She wore low heels and her hair was done in a complicated updo that, by the look of it, must've taken hours. She was dancing with her father in the next room and Astrid could catch glimpses of her through the open doors. It was only in the rosiness of her fuller cheeks that Astrid remembered the girl was only yet fifteen.

That revelation alone was enough for Astrid to finish her glass of champagne.

The sound of Tracey's snort-like laugh pulled her attention back to the table she sat by. She turned to see the silver-haired girl leaning over Rosier, who held her hand in front of her mouth, trying to suppress their laughs. 

Although not all purebloods, the entire friend group had been invited this time. No longer merely an event of relevance and people who showed their support to the Dark Lord, Draco had been allowed to invite whoever he wanted to. And he had also invited whoever Astrid had wanted to...

They had hanged out so little all together that year that sitting there now felt almost melancholic. Pansy was a chatting mess; Crabbe, Theo and she continued talking over one another. Mills was trying to explain to Goyle why he should quit smoking, time from time mentioning medical terms Astrid doubted the lad even understood. Even Daphne and Blaise, who had barely talked in the past months, were sitting together, her hand soothingly on his shoulder as they conversed amongst themselves. Astrid didn't hear but she knew Daphne was giving the tough-shelled Slytherin a proper apology, with the simplest of words trying to express just how much he meant to her. As a friend. Astrid knew because Daphne had told her she would.

When Astrid saw Draco walk up to their table, white teeth on full display, her heart gave a little thump. He leaned over the back of Pansy's chair and the girl inhaled a dramatic breath before rolling her eyes back in appreciation at the lad's cologne. Draco shook his head, chuckling to himself and stepped forward, leaning over their table. He took all the champagne bottles from their table.

"I've been sent here to cut your alcohol supply because father thinks you're having too much fun," he stepped up just as they all collectively booed.

Still smiling, Astrid turned toward the table by which she should've been sitting, too, to indeed see a rather discontent Narcissa talking to Lucius in a hushed tone.

"What are you grinning about?" Theo called, making Astrid turn back.

"Well," Draco shrugged, "now I won't be the only one bored out of my mind without any champagne."

"You selfish prat," Astrid crossed her arms.

The boy dumped the bottles on a silver platter for a passing servant. 

"Says the girl who should've sat back there with me."

"Hey," she raised her hands defensively, "it's your wedding, not mine. Why do you think I'm never getting married? Obviously, it's so I could always be the fun, drunk bridesmaid, not the worried organizer of all this."

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