Summer 1997 - 169

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Draco noticed Astrid was beginning to get all the more reckless with every further day she spent in the manor. He had no idea how his father was tolerating it, but the boy had no doubt the man had more than once thought about throwing Astrid against some wall again. His parents had begun arguing occasionally. Some older deatheaters complained more and more each day that the music she played in her room was entirely too loud.

Astrid Ninomae was causing chaos and she seemed to really enjoy it.

It wasn't often that the girl was let out of her room for whenever she did, she found another problem to cause. Or hunted down Lucius Malfoy to terrorize the man until he was forced to shout at her again.  As amusing as it was, Draco worried Astrid was doing too much. The fact she was slowly losing it had not passed him unnoticed. 

Draco also hadn't been told the password to her room anymore so he too now got to see her rarely. But when he did, he made sure to make the most of it.

Astrid had not expected the dinner dessert picnic that awaited her, hiding in the gardens of the Malfoy residence. Draco had pulled her aside right after they had eaten and his father had left to his office, blurting an excuse that he had Hogwarts matters to discuss with the girl, and rushed out before his mum had the opportunity to respond and tell them they couldn't just disappear. Astrid had heard the woman trying to say something, rushing after them, but Draco had taken her hand in his and apparated her out of the house and onto the blanket the two of them now sat on.

Moments like these were rare. Very rare. But for once she felt at peace. 

They would eat the fruits the boy had brought, and devour the chocolate muffins. Occasionally they would hear the voice of his mother or father, looking for the two at which the both of them would cover their mouths with their hands and stay silent in their secluded spot until the adults left. Tall bushes enclosed them from all sides, hiding the teens from view and when Astrid asked about it, the lad responded with that he had come to hide out there as a child. Draco admitted it as often was more as a bratty protest when his parents refused to get him something - a place where he hid until they shouted a promise to get him the thing if he showed himself or it got dark and he got scared so he returned inside. Astrid laughed at that so loudly, Draco had to place a silencing charm over them so they wouldn't be found out.

Seeing him smiling, having that food in front of her, feeling soft wind rushing through her hair, sun warming her from up above, Astrid couldn't deny the warmth that spread over her chest. It wasn't something she had felt often but now that she did, the warmth was almost overwhelming.

Lately, fearing to trust her mind, Astrid had come to the decision of trusting no more than the current moment. It grounded her too and being present actually helped her feel a tad less despaired. Like this moment, if she didn't think of the past or what could happen later, there was nothing bad in it at all.

She was there. He was there. Warmth was in the air and she could not, for the life of her, bite away her smile.

Astrid listened to the boy rant on about a law he had read which to him made zero sense, fascinated at his interest and incredibly happy he had found something he could get this excited and invested over. Then and there the girl decided, listening to people talk passionately about something they like was probably one of the best feelings. And it was somehow incredibly interesting even if she had never actually taken interest in the subject. Like Rosier with her inventions, Daphne with her schemes or Tracey with her music. Not just that but Draco sounded so smart talking about his law and criminology interests she couldn't help but simply swoon over him.

And his hair had grown up a little, curling the tiniest of bits at the ends, giving it a fluffier look than he usually held. The white scar going straight over his nose and across his cheek looked even more prominent in the direct sunlight.

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