Summer 1997 - 177

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It stank.

Really fucking stank. And, for the love of Merlin, Astrid could not comprehend why it had to be so.

The next thing she felt was the awful sting of her shoulder. With it then came the loudness of cars whizzing past, and people talking way louder than they should've been. Astrid rolled over and touched her shoulder. She hissed once her pointer finger pressed against the skin.

That's gonna be a bruise.

Slowly her eyes opened, and she groaned when she attempted sitting up. The world looked blurry and for a moment Astrid just sat, her hands holding her balance as she squinted at the dark brick wall in front of her. 

It fucking stank.

Her head turned, and she was not surprised to see that the hard metal her head had rested against was a dark green rubbish container. She was even less surprised to see the Golden trio was nowhere near.

Slytherin trash at its finest.

With another low groan, Astrid clambered to her feet, blinking away the blurry spots of her eyes. Her head was pounding and Astrid couldn't figure if somebody had hit her or if it was the Dark Lord's punishment for her failing, or maybe just her being blacked out and Him not being able to find her.

What time even is it? Do they think I've run away?

Astrid leaned against the rubbish container, trying to balance herself.

Could I?

Inhaling another stinky breath, she quickly pulled her hand back to herself with a disgusted scowl. The girl looked at her hands and then at the ground, remembering about her wand. She had had it in her hand when she had taken hold of Potter but where was it now. She glanced at the brick walls again and then out at where the cars and big red busses were whoozing past the alley she was in. Where even was she?

Astrid patted down her clothes, hoping perhaps the wand was somewhere there. An angered moan escaped her mouth and she stomped her foot once she couldn't find it. 

Of course, you can't.

Astrid fell to her knees and tried to look under the trash containers. It was too dark to see anything. Blindly, she reached out her hand, patting around the bottom of it and screamed, pulling her hand back once she touched something wet. A bin behind her back rattled and she jumped around with another scared sound to see a rat jump out of a grey fallen-over bin and run off into the opposite direction.

Fuck me!

Defeated Astrid fell back against the green container and leaned her head backwards, looking up at the night sky. She felt tears begin to brim her eyes just as quickly as she felt the frustration within her grow. The first tear ran down her cheek the very moment she banged her already scraped hand against the ground, making her wail out in pain once she saw she had accidentally bruised it even further. The asphalt under her bum felt entirely too rough. The metal behind her back was no more comfortable. 

Could the trio have taken her wand? Could she trace it? How the hell would she get home-

The thought struck her like a high-speed train. Home. Did she now consider Malfoy Manor home? Would it have to be?

Astrid looked out of the alleyway and at the street again, an idea popping into her mind. Carefully, she got to her feet, face viewing the passing people and the passing cars. Her legs carried her subconsciously and soon she found herself standing in the middle of the passing crowds. It was late but she recognised the busy street. Turning on her axis she saw the familiar Cafes, Bars and Musical Theatres. Astrid Ninomae was in London.

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