acknowledgements and gratitude

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"see you later!"

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"see you later!"

hey, so uh as i have said in the past chapter,

we are done officially over with star-crossed soulmates! WOOO! sound the trumpets boys-

it only took 99 pages, 35990 words, and me fully sacrificing sleep ! 

nawh i'm kidding i do sleep 

...well eventually-


anyways, on to the infamous thank you notes, and i'm gonna try and not make this emotional but i probably will, read at your own risk :D

i'd like to thank the friends that actually know me in real life who are, secretly, not so discreetly though, reading my chapters. although i really hope you didn't read it thoroughly so to spare me some embarrassment, i still thank you all deeply! love you guys.

next thing! I WANT TO THANK EVERYONE OF YOU HERE WHO READS THIS STORY! be it from the beginning or from furry feelings or you're new here, i thank you all the same. i wouldn't have made it to the ending of book 2 if it weren't for your support and love!

i appreciate everyone who has commented, and truly i can go on a list of who you are and what your comments mean to me, but i feel as though we all wouldn't want to get into super emotional details- but you know who you are, and you have a special place in my heart for that.

for those of you who voted (there's like a rough number of 10 of you who's consistently do every chapter), i appreciate you! to be honest votes don't matter as much to me that's also why i never asked anyone to directly, but your votes has literally helped boost my story out there, and i thank you sincerely.

and, yes, there will definitely be a book 3. 

it will take place in new york for most of it, at least that's what i think as i'm typing this.

now while i have a few ideas here and there (a few consist of christmas season and a possible appearance of hela- NO PROMISES THO), if you do have anything you want to see loki and belle do in book 3, do kindly inform me! who knows maybe i can fit it into the plot ;)

and no, as for the date, i do not have a clear date in which i will publish it, but i'll let y'all know when i do!

again, this book has been personally much more enjoyable than furry feelings. like i'm not dissing my first one, i just think book two had way more fun stuff- book two was way more challenging to me, and i'm definitely gonna miss it. 

it wasn't the best, but it felt genuine from me.

ANYWAYS, THANK YOU AGAIN FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, and if you read all that, dang you're a real one. sending all my love to you wherever you are, and yknow, until we meet again!

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