chapter 15

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"they both have the same terrible aim

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"they both have the same terrible aim."

third person pov! (should be author's and readers' as well)

thor made his way merrily to loki's room, so ready to wake his brother up for another torturous day of meetings, fully expecting him to be awake already anyways, before being completely stunned at the sight before him.

"i must be dreaming.", thor said giddily at the both of them, unaware that his loud voice had stirred the both of them out of their sleep.

"if i was dreaming, i'm not anymore." belle complained, throwing a pillow at thor.

thor dodged it of course, it was a terrible throw after all.

"i'll give you a headstart of 3 seconds brother, 3 seconds to get yourself out of this room before i defenestrate you.", loki threatened sleepily.

"alright, alright as you wish.", thor said unfazed at the threat. sometimes it comes to a surprise to him that his brother forgets he can fly.

"just don't forget the meetings today, brother. it would be best that you are not late."

"get out, thor. when am i ever late?", loki stated, conjuring a dagger and throwing it lazily at thor, it missing horribly and clattering against the wall.

'they both have the same terrible aim.', thor thought, shaking his head.

thor grumbled one last time, and said before getting out the door, "you will be if you don't wake up now."

loki slept on belle's lap all night. and belle had to keep on reassuring herself that they didn't do anything intimate. they didn't but accidentally sleeping together gotta count for something, right?

"good morning.", belle said calmly, despite the storm in her mind, as she looked at loki who was now sitting on the edge of his bed.

"good morning.", loki replied with a light smile.

he hadn't had that good of a sleep in ages. he also knew it was because belle was here, and he was slightly worried over that realisation.

"thank you for being here last night.", loki said warmly, leaning back again and grabbing her right hand to place a light kiss on it.

belle froze not expecting that, a fluttery feeling blooming inside of her from that simple gesture.

while, on the other hand, loki also froze for a second, not knowing what came over him.

"you're welcome.", she said quietly as he dropped her hand, the absence of his fingers against hers unlocked a longing feeling inside of her, which scared her deeply.

they parted ways for the day, and either they were truly busy or avoiding each other on purpose, they didn't see each other again for the remainder of that day.

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