chapter 31

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ASGARD : JUNE 25, 2015

"love, home is wherever you are

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"love, home is wherever you are."

belle's pov!

today, only the royal family was present in the dining hall, and as much as i told loki i shouldn't be here, he insisted.

"good morning father, mother, lovebirds!", thor said as he finally showed up. loki and i looked at him, confused as to how he already knew.

"i have my sources.", thor said nonchalantly, pulling the seat across from loki and sitting down.

"you're stalking us?", i asked in disbelief.

"no, i wouldn't call it stalking, more of what was it you humans called it? ah yes, keeping up to date."

"besides, i'd rather not know about personal affairs, thank you.", he said and loki objected and i stuttered.

"we did no such thing.", loki said, blushing terribly, before glancing at me, who was sitting beside him.

i covered my cheeks jokingly and he laughed, pressing a kiss on my forehead before proceeding to glare at thor.

"correction, you haven't done such thing yet. give it a year or two.", thor said as he grabbed a jug of- was that mead? at this hour?

"thor!", i exclaimed as red as a tomato, "do shut up~"

"no, let him keep going, darling.", frigga said from the head of the table, "i absolutely adore the flustered states you and loki have expressed so far."

"mother...", loki dragged out embarrassed, "please don't encourage thor to keep on teasing my love life at the breakfast table."

"i will, mother.", thor laughed, ignoring loki's protest.

"alright," loki said with a calculating smile, "let's talk about you and sif."

thor who was laughing, immediately stopped, growing silent.

"did you two have fun?", i asked and thor started blushing in turn.

"oh my, brother, you two did have fun.", loki taunted joyfully, "dancing and all that, yes?"

thor grumbled defeatedly, "i call a truce."


"alright! truce it is.", i said cutting off loki with a cheeky smile.

"but i wanted to continue.", loki pouted slightly and i laughed.

"loki.", the allfather addressed, making the rest of our laughter cease slowly.

"yes, allfather?", loki said coolly, a mask of indifference falling on his face again.

"i want you to stay after this," odin met frigga's gaze and continued, "there are a few things your mother and i must discuss with you."

i looked at loki unsure, but loki just nodded, and continued talking to me like nothing happened.

i was pacing outside the dining hall, waiting for loki to come out. thor had left quickly, saying he wanted to spar with sif, to which i grinned at him and wished him luck.

after what felt like hours, the doors opened and i turned back expecting to see loki, only for frigga to come out.

my face fell a bit and she chuckled, "am i really disappointing to see, my dear?"

i shook my head frantically, "no, no that wasn't what i meant-"

"it's alright," she said with a smile, "i know what you meant. i was merely joking, belle."

i nodded, a flustered smile on my face, "is uh, is loki going to be done any time soon?"

"he will be in about two minutes.", she said, turning to look in other directions before looking at me, "dear, i need to ask you something."

i leaned forward a bit, indicating i am listening, "do you love him?"

i raised an eyebrow, not expecting that, replying without hesitation, "yes, yes i do. i love him with all my heart."

she nodded, seeming satisfied with my answer, "good, because he loves you with his whole heart as well."

i smiled brightly when she said that.

"oh and one more thing," she said, already walking away, "i have no doubt you will, but take good care of my son for me!"

"i will!", i called back.

then i got confused, "wait what does she mean with-"

the doors opened and loki slipped out along with odin, who sent a warm smile to me and then to loki, before going on his way.

loki smiled to me, teleporting us to his library, no doubt to tell me what happened in there.

"did the allfather just smile at me?", i whispered to loki, and he chuckled at my disbelief.

"he's in a good mood for once.", he mused, "he's in a very good mood, he even proposed an idea."

"and what would that idea consist of?"

"you, me," he said, "and no princely duties for the next few years."

i stared at him seriously, "he relieved you of your princely duties?"

"he did temporarily, and he also said that we both could go wherever we like, be it midgard or asgard or both, the choice is ours."

"you said yes?"

"i did, yes, i said yes."

" shouldn't have-"

"i've made my decision." he said pulling me in his arms.

"you'll be wasting the next few years on a girl, me nonetheless, a boring person!"

"well then, the next few years will be the best time of my life.", he said, stroking my hair, "especially if i get to spend every minute with you, my sweet and not boring belle."

"but you would leave to go to midgard with me? loki, asgard is your home."

he laughed as if i had just told him a funny joke.

"love, home is wherever you are."

author's note:


i'll be posting my acknowledgements and news about book 3 tomorrow.

we've also hit 8.2k? dang thank you all sm if you've all read this story so far ily<3

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