chapter 14

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"if i couldn't accept you now then i don't deserve you at all

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"if i couldn't accept you now then i don't deserve you at all."

belle's pov!

i woke up just in time to hear the thunder rumble in the distance.

i didn't know what woke me up so abruptly, and the rain has never really affected me so that was not it.

shrugging sleepily, i fell back into bed. i was already planning to go back to sleep, pulling the covers over me again, until the glowing of my mark stopped me. the flower on my right arm was glowing in an unusual way, in quite an alarming way.

there was this chill that ran through me causing my goosebumps to raise in a way that made me fear.

something's not right. and if my mark was glowing like this, alerting me of something, then it must be glowing for loki as well.

i jumped out of bed and slipped on a robe on top of my nightgown, and slowly wandered down the halls.

i didn't know how to get to loki in all honesty, i was just trusting my gut feeling that it would lead me to my destination.

i arrived in front of a door and after a few moments of hesitation, i knocked the door softly. unexpectedly, the door creaked open a bit at the pressure of my light knock. following my gut feeling again, i pressed my fingers to the handles of the door and pushed it furthermore open, slipping inside and closing the door quietly back in place.

i blinked a few times, my eyes adjusting from the light in the hallway to the dark room. i bumped into a few things that i'm sure were a chair and a desk. reaching my hands out to graze the surface of things, i recognised the shape of a lamp and pulled the string switch, leading it to flicker to life.

suddenly, shuffling was heard from the bed and a troubled cry came out hoarsely making my heart hammer against my chest.

i knew that voice all too well.

"no- no, please, not again!", loki's strangled cry pierced the night air, breaking me out of my momentary freeze and rushing to the side of his bed.

"loki. hey loki? wake up, lokes.", i spoke in a hurry, shaking him.

after much effort, his eyes suddenly snapped open and it threw me off guard that instead of his usual green eyes, his eyes were scarlet red. then to add to that, his skin started slowly turning blue.

i stared in a mix of terror and awe, and realised that loki was hyperventilating a little.

"shhh, loki, mon chéri, shhh it's okay.", i said pushing the covers off of him, strangely enough he wasn't sweating at all.

the insides of his blanket were covered in frost. Icy cold frost.

i made my way over to him, and gently placed my hands on the sleeves of his shirt, because i figured that every time i'd almost touch his skin he'd freak out.

rubbing his shoulders up and down, i whispered as soothingly as i could, "hey loki, it's me belle. it's just me belle, your friend? you need to take deep breaths, lokes. just follow my lead okay?"

i led him through a series of inhales and exhales and he seemed to have calmed down enough to the point he was able to move. well, he moved farther away from me, but still an improvement.

"what are you doing here, belle?", he asked quietly.

"i woke up and um..", i was about to say how my soulmark was glowing intensely but decided this was not the right time, "i'm sorry i shouldn't have come here."

his scarlet eyes looked at me again and he sighed. he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

it killed me to see him so ashamed of the situation right now.

"you don't have to tell me."

he looked up at that, and i continued picking my words thoroughly, "you don't have to explain yourself if you feel uncomfortable loki, i understand. this applies to both the nightmare or your appearance. and i promise i will not tell a single soul what i saw today nor will i bring it up in future conversations."

he paused for awhile, thinking hard.

"thank you.", he said looking at me gratefully, like a load of bricks were lifted from his shoulders, "in time perhaps i will explain."

"that's alright. also, i'm sorry i shouldn't have woken you up, it's just you were having some night terror and i-"

"belle." he cut me off lightly, sending a tender look towards me, "stop apologizing for waking me up. i'm grateful that you did."

i nodded and slowly stood up, "would you like company or do you prefer to be alone right now?"

lightning struck right outside the window and i didn't miss the way loki stiffened a bit.

"your company would be appreciated.", he said and i sat back down.

i pulled my robe tighter around me as the air got colder, i'm not sure from the rain or from...loki.

it almost made me jump when a warm blanket was draped over my shoulders, which was given by loki.

he was still blue, and despite already seeing him before, i looked closer than i did before.

his skin was a shade of blue, possibly cerulean blue, and there were raised ridges lining his arms and previously i noticed on his face too.

his eyes were tinted deep red, scarlet blood, except for his pupils which stayed black.

he was really beautiful in his own way.

"you're the only one who has not commented ill of me in this form," he said slowly, "most would have screamed."

"now, why would i do that?", i replied curiously, "i am not that much of a screamer anyways."

"or run perhaps.", he added and i shook my head, "i wouldn't run from you in any form."

"i've accepted you as you are, loki. you're my friend, you know? and if i couldn't accept you now then i don't deserve you at all."

"besides, i mean, you look really pretty in this form."

he raised his eyebrow at me.


"yes, you're a really pretty prince.", i complimented him.

i thought i saw his cheeks turn purple.

loki reverted back into his normal pale asgardian form again and stared at the ceiling.

the crash of thunder made him jump and i tried not to laugh at that.

i kicked my slippers off, and scooted to the pillows, and adjusted to a sitting position, my back against the heavenly softness. placing a pillow on my lap, i looked up at him and met his eyes.

"oh come on lokes, come closer, you said you wanted my company."

he chuckled and moved closer, his head now laying on my lap. loki pulled out a book and began reading in english.

his silky, soothing voice captured me under a spell.

and everytime the thunder resonated outside, i'd run my hands through his hair in hopes to calm his nerves in some way.

and funnily enough, the thunder and lightning were soon forgotten as they drifted off to sleep simultaneously, in each other's embrace.

author's note:

fun fact, i actually wrote this before i fell asleep fr.

also, i think i found out how to work out my updating schedule. i'm posting once in two days apparently. until i can post daily again, i suppose that's the schedule i'm sticking with.

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