chapter 30

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"again, and again, and again

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"again, and again, and again."

belle's pov!

i hummed a song in my mind, distracting myself as i walked down the steps to the ballroom. pausing for a while, my eyes scanned the room, noting what amazing work queen frigga did with the whole ball planning.

it was mostly gold and white, but i did see shades of greens and reds on the tapestry designs and the roses along the room, a tribute to both of her sons, thor and loki.

the many people present here were wearing the most spectacular attires of all colors and designs.

i looked down to my own dress. the yellow faded to pink in a really pleasant way, and it only now reminded me of the shades of roses loki had given me in the past.

it's a pleasant coincidence, i assure you, i definitely didn't think of loki when i picked out these colors.

okay, maybe i did. but i didn't realise the similarity up to this point.

the silver vines that wrapped around my figure shone under the warm ballroom lights, and the tiny blue flowers were really pretty. i absolutely loved this dress, and i have to come back and thank the dressmaker at another time.

i thanked the woman who gave me a silver chalice of wine, gripping the stem of the cup carefully as i continued walking, looking for a familiar face. i finally found sif who was sipping out of her own chalice.

she was wearing a dark red dress that showed off her features and her curves beautifully. her dark hair was not tied up in the ponytail she usually went with, instead it flowed down her shoulders, curling up at the edges slightly.

she looked so good.

she noticed me when i got closer and her eyes trailed down my dress, a smile appearing on her face.

"you look exquisite, belle.", she gushed with a grin, "the dress is breathtaking. did you design it yourself?"

"thank you! mainly yes this is my design, but the vines are loki's idea."

"loki does have good taste in fashion.", she remarked with a slight nod.

"anyways, enough about me, look at you!", i said holding my arms out in her direction for extra emphasis, "you look dazzling!"

"thank you very much belle, red has always suited me just fine. do you think thor would like it?", she asked, her voice getting quieter in the end.

i smiled while lifting my gaze over her shoulder, "well, he's right there gaping like a fish."

she turned around and looked at thor, who smiled immediately in turn, caught sheepishly in the middle of his staring. sif smiled back, and i could see the color red starting to seep onto her cheeks.

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