chapter 3

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NEW YORK : MARCH 12, 2015

"no, he has not been less stabby

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"no, he has not been less stabby."

belle's pov! 

i once talked about how spring usually gives hope for new good things. it's the spring of 2015, and i do hope this spring brings good memories.

"hey aunt liza! are these the orders i have to send to the avengers tower?

"yeah, they are. be sure to look both ways when crossing a road belle!", she added and i smiled.

"i'm an adult now, auntie, i think i know how to cross the road."

"can never be too sure, belle. okay go go now, you don't want to keep them waiting."

"aye aye ma'am."

the walk to the avengers tower was breezy. the wind was chilly but the sun was warm. i walked into the tower, nodding slightly at the woman at the front desk and made my way to the elevator.

upon arriving, i was smashed into a hug by a certain blonde and i chuckled.

"hi thor!", i said slightly wheezing, "thor- i'm a mortal that needs oxygen."

he let me go and smiled, before walking the other way.

i took a deep inhale of sweet sweet oxy- oh gosh dang this place smells like that burning scent.

"tony did you burn down you breakfast again?", i asked, scanning the room for a tony stark.

"he did, but mr rogers prevented it from getting worse.", jarvis said, and even as a disembodied voice, he himself sounded amused.

"huh, typical tony.", i said as i saw the man walk in the kitchen, quite sluggishly, holding a cup of water with two fizzing tablets i can only assume are painkillers.

"hey tony, are you hungover already?", i asked with a concerned smile.

"slight headache, caron, but other than that i'm fantastic. anyways, tell me you brought the blueberry pancakes.", he said as i raised the paperbag in my hand slightly.

"with extra honey drizzle too.", i said, walking to the counter and opening the takeout boxes.

i grabbed a few plates and moved their breakfasts out of the boxes.

"here's the blueberry pancakes with extra honey drizzle and vanilla whip cream for you, tony. ordered a five-shot venti latte? sir, you can't be serious.", i said, yanking away the coffee from him.

"no, no coffee while you're having headaches. i'll have cole deliver some black tea for you instead."

"belle~", the billionaire, please maybe trillionaire, whined and i shook my head.

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