chapter 27

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"i expect the dress you end up with will be equally as beautiful as you

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"i expect the dress you end up with will be equally as beautiful as you."

belle's pov!

"you know you don't have to stay, right? your mother asked you to take me here, not sit through the whole thing accompanying me, getting measurements and going over dress designs and fabric rolls and stuff."

"no, i don't mind in the slightest. besides, i will not miss the chance to witness your first experience with dress planning.", he said grinning, "i expect the dress you end up with will be equally as beautiful as you."

i blushed, making him grin more. this friend of mine was teasing me through flirting. it was nice though, all his flirt attempts were fueling my pathetic crush on him even more.

"love, i assure you, it's quite boring sitting around all day.", i said and by the smile he had i know he's gonna blurt out corny flirtations.

"loki, no-"

"you're the most interesting thing in this whole world to me.", he said and i choked, making him erupt with laughter.

"you sound like a teenager in love."

"i'm a go-"

"i know, i know.", i cut him off with a playful grin, "a goat."

"excuse you??"

"what? you have the horns done remarkably already."

"you bruised my heart, literally belle, you hurt me deeply."

i grinned at his dramatic gestures, him still frowning like a child.

the dressmaker cleared her throat, "miss? we have all your measurements done, would you like to pick the fabric or the dress designs first?"

"fabric please.", i said excitedly, walking off the platform and bouncing over to the table where a few rolls were laid out.

i heard loki walk up beside me, "what colors are you planning to go for?"

"light yellow or soft pink, or both. what would you suggest?", i asked, going through the rolls, him helping me put away a few of them.

"green and gold perhaps.", he casually said, making me look up at him.

"your colors?", i blinked, a soft grin appearing on my lips.

"that would make the guests think i court you, nevermind.", he said, making me hold back my expression.

what did he mean by that?

"pink and yellow it is.", i said looking back down at the fabrics, hiding my slight confusion ...and was that disappointment too? i hate that i felt this way.

we moved on to the dress designs, but it wasn't that hard because seeing as i've stayed in asgard for a while now, i actually do have a small vision of what i want my dress to look like.

i'm just looking for references, because if i were to explain the style alone, that would be hard. if i had to draw it, that would be worse, honestly.

"found them!", i shouted out in victory, holding two designs in my hand.

"so, i was planning that my dress should have the off the shoulder neckline, but instead of having the puffed up sleeves like the ones on this sketch, i sorta want it to have sheer, translucent sleeves that hangs on my shoulders like the ones on this sketch.", i explained to loki hoping to know his opinion on this.

"then, from there i want the waistline and the hips where the skirt should start to have flowers. soft flowers with a variety of colors, like indicolite blue, sage green, uh silver specks? yeah, if it fits, that too. the skirt will not be too puffy instead it sorta just flows nicely, hopefully with light fabric so i can dance breezily.", i said before pausing, "do you think the dress would look better if it went from yellow to pink or pink to yellow?"

"yellow to pink.", he replied, "because if the pink were to clash with the blue, that would not be as good as the pastel yellow meeting the blue."

"yeah you have a fair point there. so the bodice would just be yellow, and perhaps halfway down my skirt, it could start to fade into pink.", i said with an excited smile, "great! now to inform the dressmaker all that over again."

"hang on.", he said, making me turn to him as he conjured up a piece of paper and pencil. that looked like the pencil thor brought back for me a few weeks ago. i had gotten slightly frustrated at the ink and quill thing. it just didn't work out for me.

he turned away from me, and put the paper against a wall, starting to scribble quickly. he kept on blocking me from seeing what he's doing, so i am left standing there like a completely clueless idiot..

after a few minutes, he turned back to me and handed me the paper, "this is what you meant right?"

my jaw dropped as i stared at the paper. he had sketched out my whole dress in the small span of time. i took notice of the small details he added, the waistline now having silver leaves that curled around beautifully and a bunch of small flowers that seemed to bloom from the dress without attracting that much attention, just the way i like it.

"i improvised a bit on the neckline.", he said quietly, and i looked closer to see a tiny bit of silver lining on it.

"loki, this is...amazing, it's so utterly beautiful actually! oh my gosh loki, this is exactly what i envisioned my dress to be but better, thank you!", i said, throwing my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"i never knew you could draw!", i said still hugging him. he hugged back, patting my back lightly.

"it's a requirement for being a prince.", he said, as i felt his chest rumble slightly with each word, "well, except thor. he is a terrible artist."

"one can only imagine and wince at the thought.", i said with a laugh.

i pressed a kiss on loki's cheek, thanking him again, before untangling myself from our hug and going to look for the dressmaker and hand her the design that loki drew.

i walked quickly away from loki, scolding my embarrassing action under my breath.

i cannot believe i did that. while he was sober too!

loki was still there when i returned. he was smiling as if nothing had happened, and led us to his private study to have another doing-nothing-but-reading session.

if only i had been there 5 minutes earlier, i would've seen a flustered, blushing loki. 

author's note:

heatwaves but it's 8d and slows after the beat drop. 

that's the author's note tonight bcs i refuse to talk about how my sad and disappointing day went today. 

star-crossed soulmates || loki laufeyson [2]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin