Chapter twenty seven

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I knew I had to tell my friends about this. I could already tell that they were going to be very opposed to this idea. I was too but I couldn't get out of it. I tried to at least get OneDream uninvited but my brothers just picked that up as me being nervous to meet them. I was nervous but not about that. It was more about how I was going to get out of this fabulous situation I put myself in. Mom had been absolutely no help, laughing at me when I told her. She's planning on documenting the whole thing in order to get a good laugh when she feels down. As much as I love my mom, there were times I wished she would be like most parents and be supportive.

"We really should learn how to play this game the right way." Jihun commented as he and Haneul planned what looked like chess but was definitely not chess.

"I like our version, it makes it interesting." Haneul defended, moving one of his pieces in a full circle around the board.

"This is painful." Sungjae groaned into his arms, hiding his face from the terrible chess game in front of him.

"They could've learned how to play it or choose a different game, but no, they decided to make their own rules." Ari shook her head as she intently watched the two boys.

"Do you have a problem with us?" Haneul asked, giving us dead eyes.

Mina opened up her sketchbook. "Do you have time, cause this is a long list." She waved a list around jokingly.

Jihun knocked over Haneul's king with one of his pieces. "CHESS!" he thrusted his fist into the air in celebration.

Haneul gaped at the board before shaking Jihun's hand. "Well chessed, Mr. Min."

"You too, Mr. Yun." Jihun spoke in a deep voice.

"Kill me, kill me now." Sunhee spoke up to the sky with closed eyes.

While they were distracted I snatched the chess game and put it away. "No more, you're killing us all." I put my hands on my hips.

"And this is why we don't let you play." Haneul muttered with crossed arms.

I rolled my eyes. "I actually have to talk to you guys about something so can we be serious for just five minutes?"

"Probably not, but we'll give it a try." Minjun stretched his arms out as he yawned. "What's up?"

I took a seat on the ground and started to pick at some paint stains that littered the floor. "You guys know that my brothers made up for missing my birthday by giving me a ton of surprises yesterday right?"

"I'm still expecting a fruit basket or something like that for my wonderful idea." Jihun gave me a pointed look.

"Take it up with your bestie Jungkook." I returned the look before continuing. "Anyways, their last surprise was that they are throwing me a birthday party."

"Hey, that's great! You haven't had a party in a long time." Sungjae smile brightly.

"Plus parties mean free food and thank you gifts. Your family is rich so I'm expecting something like an iphone." Mina added with an outstretched hand.

I lightly slapped her hand away. "Yeah it was fun until a tiny detail came up that kind of ruined it."

They all looked at me intently, urging me to continue. "And that was?" Sunhee moved her hand in a motion to indicate to me to tell them.

"That you guys won't be there." I looked at the ground before going back to them.

"What?! Why not?!" Ari frowned.

"As much as I don't like your brothers, I want that party and iphone." Jihun pouted. "And to obviously celebrate your birthday, duh." he added after gaining a look from Sunhee

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