Chapter five

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I skipped lunch entirely and headed straight to class. I texted my friends to meet me there. I was not in the mood to hear to people whispering about me or to even see BTS. I still couldn't believe that they threatened my friends if I didn't do as they said. How could I just cancel my moms happiness or let my friends get injured?! It was an impossible decision.

I entered the classroom and got tackled in a hug. "Jia, you had us so worried when you didn't show up!" Ari practically screamed in my ear.

I hugged her back and couldn't help but start crying. I buried my face in her neck and started to sob. This quickly got the attention of the others. "Wait why is our baby crying~?" Haneul asked as soon as he noticed me crying, his big brother instincts kicking in.

Ari pulled back and looked at my face. "Jia, what happened?" She asked, wiping away my tears.

"B-BTS h-happened," I stuttered through my sobs.

"What the hell did they do to you?" Mina asked, balling her fists. "I swear if they even hurt one hair on you I'll go-"

"Love the confidence, Mina, but let's be honest you wouldn't even survive one of them, let alone all seven." Sungjae patted her shoulder.

"They haven't hurt me. Well not yet." I spoke up as Minjun gave me his water bottle.

"What did happen?" Sunhee asked, pulling me down to sit.

I sighed. "My mom is wearing BTS' dad."

"WHAT!?" They all shouted, expect Jihun who just pretended to look shock.

"Oh my gosh!" Ari gasped.

"Wait since when we're they dating!?" Haneul shook his head in disbelief.

"They have a dad?" Mina tilted her head in confusion.

"Of course they have dad did you learn nothing from biology!" Sungjae yelled.

"This is shocking new!" Jihun put a hand over his chest.

I glared at him, "Jihun, stop it. You already knew!"

"WHAT!?" The rest yelled.

"Oh yeah sure get mad at me, not her, that makes total sense!" He threw his hands in the air.

"How did this all happen?" Sunhee asked, still in shock.

"Last night, I went to their house for dinner and-"

"You had dinner with them!?" Minjun yelled.

"Yes, now shut up and let me finish. After dinner, they announced that they were going to get married and BTS did not take that very cheerfully. Today, before lunch, they asked...well more like ordered me to cancel the wedding. They said that if I didn't...if I didn't they would hurt you guys, starting with Jihun."

"What?! Me?! Why me!? I've done nothing wrong!? I'm innocent, they can't prove anything!" He yelled.

"They aren't taking you to court, calm down." I gestured with my hands. "They're using the fact that you sent me to the principals office as a valid excuse."

"You got her sent to the principals office!" Sunhee glared at Jihun who raised his hands in surrender.

"She asked me for a solution to get her away from BTS and it was the best I could do under pressure!"

"It's fine, unnie, really. He helped me get away from them but now he has a price to pay."

"What are you going to do?" Haneul asked. "Are you going to ask your mom to cancel?"

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