Happy Halloween - GOTH Mikasa Ackerman

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This is a goth Mikasa appreciation post

MILD NSFW WARNING it's just a lil spicy

"Babe are you ready?" You call to your fiancé from the bedroom.

There is a bit of shuffling around and hair ties hitting the counter before Mikasa answers.


It was 5 PM on Halloween night, and you and Mikasa were getting ready to go to a party. Unfortunately, your trick or treating days were long behind you, but now, you got to attend the crazy adult Halloween parties happening. You were in your costume; an 1800's zombie, and Mikasa (who was taking forever) was dressing up as a vampire queen.

You sat on the bed and waited patiently, checking and double checking that you had your keys and your wallet with you.

At the sound of the bathroom door opening, you look up to see Mikasa in a drop-dead sexy costume. You feel your jaw drop to the floor, and Mikasa giggles at your flustered expression. It was no mystery that Mikasa was attractive, but her costume of black silk and lace hugged her body in all the right places. She really did look like a queen.

You would definitely pay your proper respects later tonight.

You both grab your jackets and head out towards your car, on route to Jean's house.

Upon arriving, you could see the party spilling out onto the lawn, and you felt like you were in college again. Taking your fiancé's arm, you walk up the walkway and step inside. Almost immediately, Marco spots you two; he was dressed as an angel; and took your coats, adding them to the pile in the closet. You two weave your way between people towards the kitchen where Armin, Eren, and Jean were standing.

"Hey guys! Glad you could make it!" Jean calls form his spot behind the counter. You don't miss the quick up-and-down that he gives your girlfriend, but you decide not to fight him over it tonight. You knew Mikasa had eyes for no one but you, and Jean's feelings were just a silly crush. Mikasa stands beside her step-brother and you head towards the table covered in treats, and pull together a little snack plate for you and your vampire queen.

The night wears on and you and Mikasa mingle for a while; jumping from group to group, and having more than a few drinks.

From your spot in the hallway, you can hear Mikasa's favourite song come on in the lounge, and from the way her head perks up, she could hear it too. She grabs your hands and drags you with near inhuman speed to the floor.

Standing with her back to you she starts to sway her hips, her hands making air light motions around her body. You grab her waist from behind and sway with her a little bit, before she turns around in your arms. She brings her hands to your triceps and pulls you in closer, and between the loud music and the drinks you had, you do your best not to trip over your entangled feet.

Mikasa, I'm her gorgeous black silk dress, sways with you to the music, and your head starts to fill with ideas of how to properly worship her tonight.

Mikasa can feel the tension too, for she slides her body right up against your own, and the two of you are practically grinding against each other. Unable to keep your hands from acting on their own, you grab your girlfriend my the wrist and drag her to the closest private place you can find.

The two of you end up in a small dark pantry, but that doesn't stop the you from smashing your lips together in heated passion. Your makeup smears and you know hers is too, and you feel the little fake teeth she applied graze your lip, making you weak in the knees. You suck on her lip as your hands slide up her body, teasing her as you make out. Mikasa's mouth latches onto your neck, and once again you feel the little fake teeth graze against your skin. Deciding to make the next move, you bring her leg to your hip and being to slide your hand up her skirt.

"AAAEUGH!!" The door flies open and you pull away from Mikasa to see Connie slap his hand over his eyes and turn away. "Come ON guys could you now have done this on your own home!?" He says, running away with a sour expression in his face. You knew he wasn't really upset, for you heard him laugh at a joke in the next room.

With your arms still around your fiancé, you turn to look at her again to see her blushing face. She lets out a giggle at what happened, and detangles her body from yours.

"Happy Halloween I guess" she says and you laugh, taking her hand to finish this evening at home.

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A/N: Happy Halloween you guys!! I hope you all are well and are having fun today (I'm helping my roommate move out, so no big celebrating for me this year). I'm sorry for two mikasa chapters in a row.

(Actually I'm not)

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