Shared Warmth - Annie x male!reader SMUT

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A treat for u gentlemen

(Warning: NSFW)

You and Annie trudged through the dark evening woods on a mission for the military police; trying to track down a possible threat to the queen.

Thunder rumbled not too far away, and you internally groaned at the near 100% chance that the two of you would be caught in the storm. You continue walking behind the ever quiet blond girl, when she suddenly stops and sticks her hand out.

You open your mouth to ask her what the problem is when you feel a fat raindrop land on your forehead, very quickly followed by several more

Knowing that the gods were about to release their watery rage into the forest you were stuck in, you grabbed Annie's hand and started running to find some sort of shelter: an overhang, a cabin, anything. Fate was not on your side today because the rain came down HARD, not at all deterred by the leafy canopy above your heads. In mere seconds the two of you were soaked through, clothes heavy with water and bags weighing down your shoulders. Th lantern was essentially useless; the rainfall was so thick you could barely see a few feet in front of you.

You continued to drag Annie through the rain until you finally reached a small abandoned cabin, made to chop and store wood. There were holes in the roof and there was nothing is side with which to start a fire, but it was dry enough, and protected you from the onslaught of rain outside. As soon as the both of you were out of the rain, you slid your heavy bag onto the floor and reached in for some matches to relight the lantern that you placed in the corner. You and Annie had no idea how long the storm was going to last, so the two of you might as well get comfortable.

You and Annie were somewhat close, you could even call the two of you friends; having gotten along pretty well in your training days, and continued to hang out once you both ended up joining the same military branch. However, your infatuation with Annie went a lot deeper than platonic friendship, but you didn't want to scare her off, deciding that having her around as just a friend was better than not having her around at all.

Little did you know that Annie's infatuation with you breached we'll pass the levels of friendship as well, but for the sake of her mission, and her heart, you could never know.

You take off your sopping jacket, hanging it on a rusty nail hoping it would dry. The rest of you however was still clothed in your soaked uniform, and you could feel the chill seeping in your bones.

You knew that you had to get out of your clothes; hypothermia would set in and you didn't want you it Annie to get sick. You glance over at the blonde to see her visibly shivering and her teeth clacking. She catches you looking and tried to hold in the tremors, but she lets out a sneeze instead. She was already getting sick. This wasn't good.

Realising what you had to bring up, you feel your body flush in embarrassment, pushing against the cold.

"U-uh Annie" you silently curse yourself for stuttering in front of her. "These wet clothes are gonna make us really sick, and, uh, we need to get out of them."

You wanted to smack yourself for stuttering and acting a fool in front of Annie, but when you looked over, her cheeks were red and she turned away from you.

"I know what hypothermia is idiot. I know how to prevent it too" she mumbles, back still turned to you.

"O-oh okay" you stutter out, and start removing the wet clothing, turning your back to Annie to give her some privacy as you heard her own wet clothes falling to the floor.

You stripped down to your underwear, refusing to undress any further to make it less awkward. You don't know what to do so you keep you back to Annie and stand awkwardly, waiting for her to say something and set the tone. You could hear her shiver behind you, and before you could turn around, you felt her cold skin press against your back, trying to share some body heat. She sneezes again a few times and your breath hitches, knowing you have to take things a step further.

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