Crafts - Child!Mikasa x reader x Child!Annie

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Here's another request! I had no idea how I was gonna go about this one (cus I usually try to forget children exist lmao) but I hope you like this one 01AceKim !!

Modern AU       (also kinda Mikannie)

'Aw man, this is going to be a busy day' you thought to yourself.

You had been called by two separate parents to watch their kids today; two little girls, ages 8 and 9 by the names of Mikasa Ackerman and Annie Leonhart. You were famous around the neighbourhood for being everyone's "favourite babysitter", so you were never short of money, but always short on time. 

You were setting up the little low table you had bought for all the kids that would be occupying your space, putting out paper and glue and other glitters and decals. For the 3 hours you would be watching the girls, you decided to get creative and had a few fun crafts lined up. Now all you had to do was wait for them do be dropped off.

20 minutes later, you heard your doorbell ring. Opening it up, you saw a young woman with dark hair holding the hand of a girl with raven black hair. You learned that this was Mikasa. There was also a man with his hands on a blonde girl's shoulders. That must be Annie. You thank the two adults and they hand you their cash and leave. You huddle the children into your house and shut the door.

Once their parents were completely out of sight, the two little girls gave each other the ultimate death stare, indicating an obvious schoolhouse rivalry.

'Oh boy' you thought. 'This might be harder than I anticipated'

Taking a deep breath you clap your hands together and putting on your friendliest smile, you grin down at the kids. 

"I thought today we can do some crafts!" you begin. 

But before you could continue, Annie butts in.

"I don't want to hang out with her" she says, pointing to Mikasa. You were shocked at her outwardly rude words, but you see Mikasa nodding her head in agreement, then frown when she noticed she was agreeing with the blonde. 

Taking a minute to school yourself, you force your smile even wider and nudge both girls to the table, seating them in opposite chairs; 'I don't need them hitting each other' you thought.  

You begin to explain the first craft: a colourful squid with a toilet paper roll and paper strips for tentacles. The two girls listen in silence, shooting each other the occasional poisonous glare. They listened intently and begun their work in silence once you had finished. You thought it was quiet odd,but it was clear neither of them wanted to speak to anyone, so you put on some classical music to fill the quiet. 

The three of you worked in a relatively peaceful atmosphere; the occasional scuffle between the two girls over a specific coloured piece of paper or the glue stick. They sped through all the crafts you had planned and you began to ran out of ideas. After an hour and a half, the girls held their creations with pride, but huddling them away from the eyes of the other. 

You coax them out of their hands to put them on the shelf by the door, so they don't forget them when they head home. You offer lunch, showing them to the table and helping them onto the chairs. When Mikasa noticed her seat was close to Annie's, she scowls and shuffles the chair as far away as she can; the legs scraping against the floor. You look over in concern, the two girls were in a heated staring match, a dark frown rippling their childlike features. You try to diffuse the tension by telling them funny stories while you made mac and cheese, but none of them laughed at any of your jokes.

'Jeez, tough crowd I guess' you though as you divided the food into bowls and put some chopped veggies on the table in front of the girls. They begin to eat; the closest things to smiles you had seen on either of their faces as you three ate in silence. When they had eaten their shares, you took the dishes away and put them in the dishwasher to be cleaned. 

Unsure what exactly to do with the time left, you decide to pop in a movie: Tinkerbell. They sit down on either side of the couch from each other, and you inwardly sigh. You never understood schoolhouse rivalries, but you knew they could only be solved by themselves, no adult interference. You bring over a tin of cookies, hoping to relieve the tension in the room as the movie started. Annie grabbed a handful in the bling of an eye, studding three cookies in her mouth. 

"Don't be a pig" Mikasa says quietly, with a look of mild disgust on her face.

Annie looks towards her and scowls, and grabs the nearest pillow and throws it at her. Mikasa picks up one of her own and winds her arm back, but you interfere before anymore damage can be done. 

"Okay okay that's enough you two" you lightly scold them as you grab both the pillows and put them far out of their reach. 

You sit in between them on the couch and turn your attention to the movie. Mikasa comes up to your side and hugs your arm, curling into you. You bring your hand to her head and ruffle her hair a bit, giving her a small smile.

Annie, obviously jealous by her own lack of attention, curled up to you on  the other side, laying her head in your lap. You stroked her hair a few times, giving an equal amount of attention to each child. Eventually they both focused on the movie. 

you got so wrapped up in the movie that you only zoned back in when the credits started rolling. Looking at the children hanging on you, you noticed that both of them had fallen asleep.

And that they were very gently holding hands.

'How cute'

  ☆     ☆       ☆

A/N: Hey how y'all doing?My day was kinda but I got some books from the thrift store and made a really smart decision so, small blessings I guess. 

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