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Hey guys!!!

I'm just dropping in because I logged into wattpad today and saw that I got 10k reads on this story!!!!

This has been up for less than three months and already so many of you are enjoying it. I started writing this fic just because I wanted more aot women content out there, and I wanted another outlet to be creative and express my ideas.

I can not verbally express my joy whenever you guys comment and enjoy my story, and all the positive feedback makes me feel so happy and I'm so so so happy that you guys are enjoying my work. Thanks to you guys interacting with me, I've been able to discover a ton of new amazing fics that you guys also enjoy (not like I stalk all ur pages or anything) and honestly you guys make my heart go doki doki <3

I wanna do something extra special for u guys as a little sum'sum; I can do just about anything you want; i can do a meet the author or I can do some absolutely filthy smut or some male!readers (cus I know u guys are out there and I wanna make u all happy) or I can do some outrageous requests or literally ANYTHING you guys want. So if you have some suggestions, let me know!

Once again, thank you all SO much for your love and support, it really means the world to me! Also do know if you ever wanna just chat with me, my DM's are always open! Lets be friends!

I love each and every single one of you, and no matter what you may think or what others may think of you, I think you are all absolutely amazing and deserve the classic fanfic life like you all so deserve. I love love love all of you, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Kat <3

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