Sick - Pieck Finger

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Modern AU
Instead of making y/n sick like I usually see, I made Pieck the sick one so you get to take care of her :)

You felt the late morning sunshine shine in your eyes between the curtains. Rubbing your eyes with your hand you sit up. Turning your head you see your girlfriend Pieck snuggled against your side. Deciding to let her sleep a little longer, you creep out of bed as to not disturb her, and make your way into the kitchen.

After brewing a nice pot of coffee for you and Pieck, you head back into your shared bedroom to wake her for the day. Lightly shaking her shoulders you attempt to wake her. She lets out a quiet groan and rolls over to hide her face in the pillows.

"C'mon Pieck it's time to get up babe" you say in a gentle tone, attempting to coax her out of bed. She groans again and turns to face you, cracking her eyes open slightly.

"I feel like shit" Pieck says quietly, shutting her eyes and covering her face with her arm. She lets out a small whine and rolls back around, but not before you could see the small twist of pain on her face.

You got concerned; your girlfriend never shied away around you, and she was always open and happy. Sitting on the side of the bed you reach over and stroke her hair, pushing strands away from her face. You noticed she had a light layer of sweat on her neck and forehead and it all made sense. Your girlfriend had fallen ill.

Getting up you shut the curtains as tight as you can, trying to block any sunlight from the room. Entering the bathroom you soak a cloth in cool water and fill a glass. Heading back into the bedroom you stack some pillows and gently lift Pieck's body so that she's sitting slightly upright, still tucked under the duvet. You wipe the sweat from her face and neck, and let the cool cloth rest on her forehead. You take the glass of water and lift it to her lips, prodding her to take a small sip. She hums and tried to move her head away, but you take her chin in your hand and bring it back towards you.

"If you're sick you have to stay hydrated. I have some Tylenol it will make you feel better."

You prod her again and this time she takes a small sip, swallowing the pill as well. You prod her to take a few more sips before setting the glass down beside the bed.

"There, isn't that better" you say as you cup her face in your hands, giving her a soft smile. She cracks her eyes open a little bit, and returns the gentle smile. Your heart skipped a little bit, just like it did every time Pieck looked at you and smiled.

Kissing her nose you got up and left to go make her something to eat. You decided on her favourite soup with some buttered bread. Easy on the throat and stomach, and something you know she would enjoy. You made some tea and brought that up too.

Returning to the bedroom you see Pieck just lying there, in obvious discomfort. You felt bad; you didn't like to see her in pain. Approaching her you bring the tray of food over so she can eat. Pieck managed to sit herself up fully, but she was too weak to do much else.

"Looks like you'll have to feed me" she whispers, a ghost of a smirk on her face.

You feel your face get hot and stutter as you shift closer to her and pick up the soup filled spoon and bring it to her mouth. You spoon fed her the food, her taking each small mouthful with a cute look on her face.

Even when she was really sick, she was still gorgeous. You always wondered how you ended up with such an adorable girlfriend. Damn you where lucky.

When she had finished all her food, you sat her back against the pillows and put everything away. She wasn't sweating as much so you removed the cloth and threw it in the washbasket.

You decided to climb in beside her and wrap your arm behind her neck, guiding her head to rest on your shoulder. Pressed right up against her side, you could feel her snuggle into you and relax into the comfort you brought her. Stroking her hair you try to make her has comfortable as possible: only moving when necessary, and only talking in whispers. After a while of silence Pieck speaks.

"Tell me a story y/n" she says. Your name coming out of her mouth sending shivers down your spine.

You comply; giving her a soft kiss on the head as you start to talk.

For the rest of the evening you tell her stories; both fantastical and whimsical; with the occasional romance (between you and Pieck of course). She enjoyed them all, but you could tell she was getting tired. She needed rest so she could get better as soon as possible, so you quickly finish your current story and untangle yourself from Pieck.

"Baby I think it's time you turn in for the night. You need rest" you tell her, giving her a few kisses on her cheeks and forehead. You turn away to let her sleep when you hear her whine and feel her lightly grip your shirt. Turning back around you see her pulling the puppy dog eyes you could never resist.

"Please stay with me" she whispers, staring deep into your eyes with the dark orbs of hers.

You wanted to resist; she needed a no-distractions sleep, but those eyes, you really couldn't say no to her.

Sighing you slip yourself back under the covers and pull her body towards yours. You were about to doze off again when Pieck speaks again.

"Can I have a kiss?" She whispers

"No you need to sleep" you respond, closing your eyes again.

"Please y/n please please please please" she whisper pleads, looking at you again with those big doe eyes that she knows always pull you under her spell.

You didn't want to get sick yourself, but you haven't been able to kiss your girlfriend all day and to be honest, you missed it.

Screw it you thought as lean in and capture her soft lips in yours, putting as much love and comfort as you could into the kiss. Pieck kissed you back just as gently and lays her hand on your cheek, stroking it gently. When the two of you pull away from each other, Pieck gives you that close eyes smile of hers that always makes your day. Pulling her back into your embrace you kiss the top of her head and close your eyes.

"Thanks y/n" she whispers. " I love you."

You smile to yourself. Genuinely happy.

"I love you too. Now get some rest" you say, closing your eyes and eventually falling asleep.

A week later, you woke up sick. But no matter. Pieck was there to take care of you.

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A/N: I had a very stressful day and I am tired and anxious rn so I am writing about cuddling Pieck to make myself feel better. How are y'all doing?
Also don't forget that requests are open I am a little dry on ideas so give me anything I promise I can work with it.

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