Hammock - Pieck Finger

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Modern AU

It was a peaceful summer afternoon; the cicadas humming in the trees, and the sounds of birds and other animals flitting around the nature in and around your backyard. The environment smelled of warm earth, and a light breeze would occasionally flow through the sky. It was serene and beautiful.

You hadn't seen your wife Pieck all afternoon, so you decided to look for her.

Opening the back door, you step out into your backyard, shading your eyes from the sun. You spot her in the corner of the yard, lying down in the hammock reading. Smiling to yourself, you walk over to her, your sandals sinking into the soft grass with each step.

Upon reaching your wife, you pull the cloth of the hammock pack to peek at her face, shooting her a soft smile when she looks up from her book to look at you.

"Y/n!" Pieck says as she lays eyes on your figure. Her smile wide, she closes her book and lets it drop into the grass below her, and she shifts her body, silently making room for you to join her.

Taking the hint, you climb into the hammock as carefully as you can, making sure you don't flip Pieck over the other side. Falling in right on top of her, she pulls at your shoulders so that your head rests against her chest, body facing hers huddled into her side.

Adjusting your body so that the both of you are comfortable, you wrap your arms around her waist, and nuzzle your face further into her chest.

Pieck giggles and brings her hands up to stroke your head and your face, running her hands over you slowly. You in turn run your hand up and down her side, returning the soft, gentle strokes.

The two of you lay together in silence, the sounds of the insects and animals filling the space. The pleasant breeze moving the hammock, letting it swing slightly. The heat wasn't too strong, but you were sweating a little bit in the arms of your wife. You didn't care; you just wanted to hold her and never let go.

Ever so slowly her hands stopped moving and rested on the back of your head. You slowly craned your head to look at her, your heart swelling at the sight you saw.

Pieck and fallen asleep, her face smoothed into calm relaxation, her chin slightly tilted towards your head, her hair pooling behind her, and her tank top slightly wrinkled. She looked so peaceful in her slumber, you didn't have the heart to wake her up.

Resting your head back onto her chest, you let yourself fall into a deeper state of calm; the low afternoon sun shining through the trees, and summer breeze rocking the hammock.

Eventually you yourself fell asleep in the arms of your lover.


When you woke, dusk had fallen, and the hum of the cicadas has been replaced by the gentle crickets song, frogs humming further away. It was getting late. You could see stars beginning to appear in the sky, and mosquitoes biting at your skin.

You lean up as best you can in the hammock, placing a soft kiss on Pieck's lips.

"Hey, Pieck my love" you say as softly as you can, brushing away some of her thick black hair that had been plastered down on her face and neck with sweat. She stirs and slowly reaches up to rub her eyes, falling back into the waking world. She shoots you a half lidded smile and you reach up again to lightly peck her lips again.

"I think maybe we should head inside for the night" you say. You didn't bother to move just yet, waiting for Pieck to be fully awake and comfortable. While you waited, you continued to comb your fingers through her slightly matted hair.

When she was fully present, she grunted and began to sit up, and the two of you awkwardly flopped out of the hammock. She picks up her book from the ground and grabs your hand as the two of you head back into your home.

You go towards the kitchen, getting things together to make a small late night dinner for the two of you, and Pieck heads into the bedroom to brush out her hair and change into some PJ shorts.

She reappears and stands behind you as you cook, wrapping her arms around your waist and snuggling into your back.

As the crickets and frogs sang outside, you stand in the darkened house with your wife, relishing in the calm domesticity of your lives.

As the smell of the summer night flooded your noses, you and Pieck let the comfort of your love fill your home and warm each other's hearts.

☆ ☆ ☆

A/N: Sorry this ones a little shorter than usual, I am kinda running out of ideas SO PLEASE LEAVE SUGGESTIONS if there is anything or anyone you want to see let me know!!
Also when I thought of this idea it was originally gonna be an Annie oneshot but I had to restrain myself and write someone else. I definitely think I'm gonna write an Annie fic rly soon tho. Goodnight! <3

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