Daycare - Child!reader x various

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Here's another for @01AceKim I hope you like this one!
(I just wanna say sorry in advance cus the childhood neglect really jumped out in this one)

"Be good y/n! I'll see you at 4:00" your mom said as she dropped you off at the local daycare. It was a bright sunny Saturday morning, and because both of your parents worked big jobs, you had daycare often.

Your mom ushers you inside, and hands you off to the lady greeting the kids at the door; miss Pieck. She greeted you with a smile and leaned down to hug you, and you threw your small arms around her shoulders and bury your face in her thick dark hair.

"Hello little y/n" she says sweetly at you as she walks you over to the short tables.

"Hi miss Pieck!!" You say with excitement as you sat down and grabbed some pencils to make art. Pieck ruffles your hair and goes back to her station at the door.

You spend a couple hours drawing picture after picture; great works of art with lots of colours. You didn't really have any friends at the daycare, you were quiet and reserved, and no one really wanted to talk to you. It was fine though. You were able to keep yourself entertained.

After a while, lunch was announced. You and the other kids heard to the tables and sit down, as two of the patrons: miss Mikasa and miss Sasha hand out the food trays. Today's menu was hotdogs and beans, cucumber slices, and apple juice.

You enjoyed the cucumber and the hotdog, but when it was time to eat the beans, you put your fork down and pushed the tray away. You didn't like beans. At all. Making a face, you sit back in your seat, signalling you were done. One of the caretakers notices and comes and sits down next to you: miss Sasha.

"What's wrong y/n?" She asked, a friendly look on her face.

"I don't wanna eat the beans" you saw, turning your head to the side to avoid having to look upon the infernal meal.

Sasha tuts and pulls the tray back to you. "You know, these beans are reaaalllyy healthy! And they taste really good too!" Sasha tried to persuade you into eating.

You let out another grunt and turn away again.

"Here, I'll prove to you how good they taste!" Sasha pulls out a cup of beans of her own (out of nowhere it was like magic) and she takes a spoonful and shoves it into her mouth. She makes noises of joy while chewing the beans, taking small glances at your face to check if you were paying attention. She swallows and lets out a big smile. "See? These are awesome!"

Thankfully for her, you had a small look of curiosity on your face, signalling that you were willing to give the beans a second chance.

"Why don't we take the next bite together!" She says as she grabs another spoonful of beans. You take one yourself and lift it hesitantly to your mouth.

"Ready? Aaaaaa...." Sasha says as she puts the second spoon in her mouth, and you do the same. You still didn't like how it tasted,  but with Sasha's gentle nudging, you finished everything on your plate. You swallowed the last spoonful as quickly as you could and you pushed the tray away again.

"There see? That wasn't so hard y/n" Sasha said as she grabbed your empty tray. "I'm proud of you for being a big kid and finishing your food even if you didn't like it. That was very good of you." The praise leaving Sasha's mouth made you smile as she got up to put your tray away. Having finished your lunch, you were allowed to leave the eating area and go back to playing.

You went to the mat and grabbed some plastic cars, rolling them on the ground and making car noises with your mouth. A couple kids joined you in rolling the cars around, though none of you really spoke. You didn't need to.

Eventually getting bored of the cars, you make your lonesome way to the reading area and pick out a few books. You began to read, once again all by yourself, as the other kids all enjoyed each other's company. Some of the staff, feeling bad for you, decide to hang out with you and read.

Miss Historia walks over to you and sits on the mat. Her gorgeous smile diverting your attention from your reading.

"Hi y/n how are you?" She says in her sweet gentle voice. You give a small shrug, a look of indifference on your face.

"I'm ok I guess" you say, putting your book down. She shuffled closer, sitting with her legs crossed.

"Can I read with you?" She asks and you nod your head excitedly. She pats her lap and gestures you to sit, and you crawl and perfectly fit against her body. She grabs a book from your pile and holds it out so you can see, and begins reading. Her sweet melodic voice relaxed you as she went through a few books, helping you spell out new words and teaching you new topics that were present in the stories.

You enjoyed yourself immensely but unfortunately, time went by to quickly and it was labelled time to take a nap. Historia lifts you off of her lap and guides you to the sleeping area, helping you into your designated sleeping bag and tucking you in. She gives you one last smile as she moves on to the next kid, and you try your best to get comfortable and sleep.

A few minutes later, the lights were turned off and the last few kids were quieting down and falling asleep. You tried to nap, but you just couldn't, so you tried to do some thinking in hopes of tiring yourself out. Playing different scenarios and thoughts out in your head, you eventually get to the topic of friends.

You started to feel really bad; you didn't have any friends at the daycare, nor any siblings to play with at home. You were lonely, and it was making you sad. You didn't mean to cry, but the tears came out anyway, and you did the best you could to muffle your sniffles, as to not wake the other children.

Your cries did not go unnoticed; suddenly a hand started to gently stroke your hair. Miss Mikasa was kneeled beside your body, a look of concern in her eyes as she stroked your head in comfort.

"What's wrong y/n" she said quietly. You sniffle again and try to explain that you are sad and lonely. It only made you cry harder.

Mikasa coos you as she slides you out of your sleeping bag and lifts you into her arms. You wrap your arms around her neck and cry into her shoulder, as she walks towards the back where the other daycare leaders were. They look upon you with concern and pity in their eyes as Mikasa explains the situation, and she sits you down at their table and places you on her lap, wrapping her arms around you in a hug. She lets you cry as miss Pieck strokes your head from beside Mikasa, and the ladies talk with each other quietly; occasionally inviting you into the conversation.

Mikasa rocks back and forth trying to get you to relax. You lay your head against her chest, tuckered out from your crying. Mikasa starts to hum a sweet tune softly in your ear, and you can feel your eyes drooping into sleep. Letting out a big yawn, you cuddle into Mikasa once more, and fall asleep to gentle noises of the daycare leaders around you.

A/N: I wrote some of  this while waiting at the med lab for a blood test, and this guy walked in that looked exactly like Porco Galliard. 'Twas crazy. N e ways I start a new job on Tuesday and I'm rly nervous abt it it is full time so idk how it's gonna affect my productivity and my uploads, but I'm just excited to be making money

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