Midnight Coffee - Hanji x fem!reader SMUT

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(Warning: NSFW) + Mild season 3 spoilers

(Also I use they/them for Hanji but headcannon them as AFAB so just to let y'all know that they will have bio-female body parts)

It was a dark and quiet night and you were up later than usual trying to finish the mountain of paperwork that commander Hanji had given to you. Ever since they had become commander of the survey corps, they were loaded with piles and piles of paperwork, giving them barely any time to do the things they enjoy, and you could tell the pressure was weighing on their shoulders. It was no secret to the other cadets that you were infatuated with Hanji Zoe, but you never had the guts to come clean about your feelings; terrified that it would ruin the friendship you already had. Instead, you did the best you could to make them happy and make their life easier, and tonight, it was volunteering to do some of their paperwork for them.

A part of you (and a pretty large part too if you were being honest) was regretting taking on this extra paperwork, keeping you up late into the night and leaving you with a sore back and a cramped wrist, but the look of relief and the soft smile that Hanji gave you when you took the pile of paper away from them made everything worth it.

You were really down bad for Hanji.

A quiet knock at your door snaps you from your reverie, and you call out for whomever it was to come in. The very object of your affections quietly steps in, two mugs in their hand and a warm smile on their face. You feel your cheeks start to heat and your body start to warm at the sight of Hanji in a rumpled dress shirt, slacks, and short hair loose around their face. You and Hanji were comfortable around each other, and they felt okay with leaving their eye patch off; the thick white scar tissue of the skin and the creamy whiteness of their blinded eye shone in the candlelight. Hanji was self conscious of this particular scar more than others, but you had done your best to reassure them that it didn't change how you or anyone else thought about them, and that it was just another piece to the intricacy of Hanji Zoe.

"Hey y/n" Hanji says quietly as they walk over to your desk and put one of the mugs down on the table before grabbing a spare chair and sitting across from you.

"Hey yourself" you say with a warm smile, happy to see them so relaxed. You reach towards the mug and grab the warm handle, smelling the sweet scent of coffee. You take a small sip and let the robust flavor coat your tongue and give you the energy you so desperately need.

"How's the paperwork going? You know you really didn't have to do it for me, I don't want you to work yourself too hard angel." Your face and body burn at the sound of Hanji's nickname for you, one that many people have insisted was romantic, but you firmly believed was just fond friendship.

Trying to keep a grip on some composure, you let out a quiet breath and smile once again at them. "I don't mind really, and I don't wan't to see you overworked." You exude sympathy and peace, trying to let Hanji know that you care about them and want them to be healthy, and that you were okay to do their work for them.

"The corps needs someone who's always ready to help, and who isn't exhausted and overworked from stupid paperwork. We need you Hanji"

The room is quiet for a few moments, and you get back to sipping your coffee quietly. Hanji sits across from you, mug in their lap and eyes downwards, and for a brief minute, you worried that you had said the wrong thing.

"Do you need me y/n?" Hanji suddenly lifts their head and asks with an intense and almost agonized look in their eye.

Your gazes are locked onto each other, and you feel your heartbeat speed up at what Hanji might be insinuating. What you hoped with all your heart they might be asking you. You do your best to swallow the lump in your throat, and make the boldest move of your feelings ever.

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