Happy Birthday - Mikasa x reader x Annie

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Modern AU

You groan and rub your eyes; burying your head back into your pillow to block out the sun shinning in your eyes. With your eyes still closed, you throw both your arms out, feeling either side of you for one of your girlfriends. Your hands flop around, sliding up and down the sheets and feeling nothing. You lift your head from the pillow and open your eyes, not seeing your girlfriends anywhere. You let your heart sink a little in disappointment. You never liked it when one or neither of your girlfriends were still in bed with you when you woke up.

You were not disappointed for long because suddenly your girlfriend Mikasa peeks her head in the door. A smile breaks her face when she sees you, and she nudges the door open further. Behind her you see your girlfriend Annie, a big tray balanced between them.

"Happy birthday babe" they said in unison as they bring the tray to the bed; covered in all your favourite breakfast foods and fun fancy drinks. You sit up and cross your legs, and after placing the tray on top the covers in front of you, Mikasa and Annie climb back in on either side of you and place several soft kisses on your cheeks and neck. You sling both of your arms around their shoulders, bringing them into hugs as they interlock their own fingers around your body.

"Did you guys do this all for me?" You ask as you kiss the tops of their heads.

"Of course we did" Annie said, resting her chin on your shoulder. "It's your birthday"

"And we've got to treat each other extra special on our birthdays" Mikasa chimes in, and you laugh, thinking about the party you and Annie threw Mikasa for her last birthday, or the massive museum outing you went on for Annie's; buying her anything and everything she wanted as you went.

Expressing your gratitude, you begin to dig into the feast, sharing with Mikasa and Annie. The three of you laugh and talk together as you finish the meal; enjoying each other's company as the soft morning sunlight fully fills the room.

Once you were done, Mikasa gets up to clean away the tray, and you get out of bed and head towards the closet, picking out an outfit for the day. You had no idea what Mikasa and Annie planned for you, so you stuck with something casual. Leaving the closet, you see Annie in front of the mirror, putting her hair up in a signature bun. You walk over to her and place kiss on her cheek, and she turns to give you a kiss of her own. You melt into her kiss and you bring your hands up to cup her cheeks. This makes her blush a little bit.

Pulling away, the two of you head into the kitchen where Mikasa is finishing up with the cleaning.

"Thanks love" you say as you give her a quick kiss, walking towards the couch and flopping down. Mikasa and Annie share a kiss of their own, thanking each other for doing the work, and they both come and flop down on the cushions beside you.

"So" Annie says from beside you, turning her body to face you fully. "We're going to (your favourite place/event) and then we are gonna catch some dinner at (your favourite restaurant), and then we we thinking of going to one of those fancy movie theatres for the evening. What do think?"

You were VERY excited with this schedule that Annie displayed to you, and you expressed that gratitude by grabbing each of their faces and giving them a big kiss.

The three of you get up and leave the house, Mikasa locking the door behind you (they insisted on not letting you lift a finger or do any work), and head to the car.


The day passed by quickly; it was full of fun and excitement, and your girlfriends had even invited some of your friends to your outings; all of you going out as a big group to celebrate your birthday. People had passed you gifts all day; your friends going out of there way to buy you some of your favourite things. You laughed all day and were super happy to be able to spend your birthday with your favourite people.

When you got home that night, you were slightly tipsy and super tired. You had fun all day, but you knew it was time for the day to come to an end. You went into the bathroom and stripped all your clothes, ready to get into the shower. You close your eyes as the hot water falls over your head, when suddenly you feel a pair of arms around your back. You turn around to see Mikasa had joined you, the water making her black hair cling to her neck. A few moments later, the curtain slides back and Annie's short figure steps in as well. The three of you relax and clean each other off; actions tender and loving.

After dressing for bed, the three of you slip in, and you go to turn off the light, but Annie stops you before you could.

"Wait just a moment y/n" she says. "Mikasa and I have just one more thing for you".

You turn in surprise as Mikasa leans to the other side and pulls something out of the nightstand drawer. She pulls out a small box, and she and Annie crowd close to you.

"Look, I know our relationship is still a little new, but..." Mikasa started as she opened the small box to reveal three simple rings. You felt tears in your eyes.

"We wanted to make a promise, to each other, and to you, that we will stick together." Annie's voice fades as her face turns red with a blush.

"Your eyes a watery and a big smile on your face, you reach towards the box for the rings. You reach for your girlfriends hands, slipping the rings on their fingers. They grab the one made for you, and both slip it on your fingers, and your smile grows wider than it ever has. You grab both of them into a hug, and they circle their arms around each other and link around your back.

As the three of you embrace, you can't help but think this was the best birthday of your life.

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A/N: It's my birthday today hehe and I wanted to write smth fun! How are you all doing today?

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