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"You're causing it to melt

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"You're causing it to melt... And it causes the stones to glow a lot brighter..." Nicholas looks from the Thing to the askers and then to the floating stones. Then he grabs one of it.

"Nicholas, don't!"

"Come oooooon, let me do it for sience!"

The Thing gets more agitated while Earrings has no idea what the two men are about to argue about.

"It has pretty high levels of chaos energy, and apparently your lower levels of energy are damaging it

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"It has pretty high levels of chaos energy, and apparently your lower levels of energy are damaging it... Which is why I want to throw the rock at it to see what happens"

"I'm not going to let you throw that!"

"I am going to clean it afterwards..."


"... I am going to clean it afterwards eventually"

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