Investigation - Choice #4

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The Mod complies with your decision and pulls a file out of her badly drawn hat

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

The Mod complies with your decision and pulls a file out of her badly drawn hat.

You're getting kind of loopy from being in the void so you quickly return to the stable and slightly better drawn space of the orbital station

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

You're getting kind of loopy from being in the void so you quickly return to the stable and slightly better drawn space of the orbital station.

The mod reminds you that you have already seen a conversation between two CCC members, so maybe you'll piece all this together if you take another look at that too.

As you may have expected the CCC file is not exactly straight forward and without any redacted information. Because why would it? That would be boring.

'A-2009 – "The Alteration"

Presumably found in [Redacted] by a team of archeologists lead by [Redacted]

Highest detected Chaos Level: 10.6


Material is similar to that of a cut black diamond.

When propped up vertically the object is four inches high, two inches wide and one inch thick.

Current location:

Displayed in a museum in [Redacted].

Operation to obtain and contain the object are in motion.

Known effects:

When in contact: Feelings of distress; fainting; seizures

When in close proximity:

Feelings of anger; unprovoked, violent behavior

Not all people exposed to the object were affected'

Besides all this information there's also an incident report. Or maybe part of it.

'Operation to obtain and contain A-2009 has failed.

Object was lost in a museum-heist performed by [Redacted]

Further investigation revealed an altercation between [Redacted] and [Redacted], an opposing criminal organization.

Traces of high chaos levels detected at scene of the altercation.

Assumed outcome:

Object is still in possession of [Redacted], has sustained damage during the altercation and caused a surge in chaos energy, possibly altering the timeline

Proven outcome:

Object has shattered and released [Redacted], presumably possessing [Redacted] in the process.

Attempts to capture [Redacted] or any member of [Redacted] alive were not successful so far'

Sounds like something bad went down and the CCC couldn't stop it. And miraculously decided against just blowing up the whole universe.

You assume that all these incidents happened prior to the first installment of the Henry-Stickmin-Series. You don't exactly know what leads you to believe that but you just do.

There's part of another report.

'10.6 Chaos level detected.

Source found at [Redacted]

Individual identified as [Redacted]. Taken into custody for further investigation and necessary medical procedures.

Traces of A-2009 energy found.

Traces of A-2013 energy found and categorized.'

There's only one page left.

'10.6 Chaos level detected.

Source located in museum in [Redacted]

Attempt to take individual into custody not made.

Traces of A-2009 and A-2013 found.

Unidentified individual put on watch list'

'10.6 Chaos level detected.

Source located near complex [Redacted]

Source determined and individual identified as [Redacted] by field agent.

Individuals' presumed death not confirmed.'

Well that was a whole dump of information from just one small decision.

A) Pick up the thing that might or might not be A-2009 or A-2013

B) Let's look for a place it might've fallen outof

Traitor on board - Act oneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ