Before the meeting

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(Every new post will just have its own chapter now... I can have 200 so this will probably be fine)

 I can have 200 so this will probably be fine)

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"... I know you want to help but I doubt I could sleep if I tried..."

"You didn't even try yet and they're right. You can't solve anything when you're this sleep deprived"

"I just walked down to storage and back up without anything happening. I'm fine for now..."

Burt puts his tablet on the desk and gets up. "Maybe you're 'fine' now, but we have a meeting in an hour and I'd rather have you not on the verge of passing out while dealing with the elites"

 "Maybe you're 'fine' now, but we have a meeting in an hour and I'd rather have you not on the verge of passing out while dealing with the elites"

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"Annon-what...? Hey!"

Burt is apparently done arguing and just picks the blond up to carry him.

"Put me down! I can't just go back to bed before-!"

"I'm not bringing you to your room again...", Burt carefully lies Sven down on the sofa and then sits down in front of it "There's something roaming around the station... something that seems to be able to fit in vents that are too small for most people. I'm not going to leave you alone somewhere"

Sven crosses his arms but doesn't sit back up "... what are you gonna do? Sleep next to me till we find who... or whatever did all this?"

"I... I'll do that if it keeps you safe... That's my job after all..."

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