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« Hazza? » louis asked. The boys were cuddling in Harry's bed. They just had eaten lunch with Anne and the mother wanted to let the boys have quality time on their own so she went on a walk with her friend.

Harry had a hand under Louis face, slowly caressing his bottom lip with his finger. His other hand was around his shoulder, drawing forms on Louis's back. louis had an arm under Harry's body while the other one was caressing his tight, sometimes going up to his ass. Legs were tangled together and Harry had one of his leg on Louis's thighs, keeping his boy close. If anyone would come in the room, they would think their is only one badly because of how close the lads are.

« Sleepy » harrys whispered, feeling his eyes close on their own.

« Well go to sleep darling. I'll be there when you wake up » he said while kissing his forehead and Harry finally felt asleep while Louis looked at his lover face.

Louis watched how his curls fell on his forehead and his chest slowly raised due to his breathing. He brought his attention to the hand on his back that radiated warm and the hand cupping his own cheek. Louis didn't move an inch to make sure he could feel the finger of Harry resting on his lip and he looked at that mouth he loved which was slightly open, letting the air come in the boys body, to after, let the same hot air get out.

Louis was in love with his boy. He was wondering how a such perfect angel could be his. He took the thigh of Harry and left it to bring the boy closer to his body. To feel his warmth, to feel Harry's body impossibly close to his.

That's how Louis fell asleep. Thinking about his handsome boyfriend in his arms.

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