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"Hey Harry!" Zayn said while arriving to his friend locker.

"Hi mate!" Harry said with a huge smile spread on his lips. Zayn opened his eyes, shocked.

"You-you hear me?" He questioned. And when his curly mate nodded, he jumped in happiness and hugged him tight.

"Oh my good that's so awesome Haz!" The two lads started talking on their way to class.

At the end of the day, the whole school knew about Harry's earing and how he was now able to hear like the others. A lot of random students told him they were happy for him. Some did say mean comments, but their was Louis next to him to shut them.

"Harry, would you like to come over tonight to hear my song from last time?" Niall asked, knowing that harry never really heard it.

"Sure ni! I'll come meet you at your car. I just want to say bye to Lou first." Harry responded and the two lads went in separate ways.

Harry went too see Louis who was probably in the locker room or on the football field due to his practice.

When he finally found Lou, after searching for him during a few seconds he went to see him and an other guy that was with him.

"Hi Lou" Louis turned and smiled to his boyfriend. The oldest lad putted his hands on Harry's waist while Harry cupped his boyfriends cheeks.

"Hi sweetheart, what are you doing?" Harry told him how he wanted to say bye and he was going to Niall's. Then, his eyes met the ones of the other guy.

He looked weirdly at Harry before putting his cigarette between his lips.

"Oh Hazzabean, this is Nick. He is new in the football team so I was presenting"

"Hazza bean?"

"Yeah it's cute. Suits you" Louis answered while giggling and if Harry was not already fond of Louis, we'll now he sure was.

"I'm Harry" He presented himself and the boy rolled his eyes.

Harry felt a little conscious. He knew Louis was friends with everyone, or almost, so he wanted this Nick guy to like him if he was Louis friend but he seemed pretty mean.

"Well, uh-Lou I have to go. I'll see you later?" Harry asked and Louis nodded before saying the three words that he'd only tell Harry.

Harry was about to leave the field when his phone rang.


"Hey darling, I was wondering if you want me to go to Niall's house after the game to bring you home?"

"Well we are going to Nando's so would you want to join us there?"

"Yeah baby, I'd love too. See you then?"

"Yep! Bye Lou I love you"

"Bye baby boy "

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