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''Hi Harry. Miss Rose told me you were deaf.'' Ben signed to the new kid. His eyes were wide open. He didn't want people to know about him being deaf. So, he said with all the concentration he could: '' Please, d-don't tell anyone.'' The curly haired lad said. He couldn't hear his voice which was making it hard to speak, but he had learned to do it. Harry looked straight to Liam who smiled at him. '' Don't worry, I won't tell. My little sister, Jasmine, is deaf too. So, I kind of know it can be hard sometimes.'' Liam signed which made Harry a little less anxious.

Liam showed to Harry the whole school and told him where his class were. They were done with the touring so Harry asked what was next. In fact, it was lunch time. The two lads went to a table where Liam's mates were eating.

They sat and Liam exclaimed: '' Hey guys! This is Harry. He's new here.'' The boys introduced themselves. Harry understood that there was Gregory, a red-haired lad who said to call him just Greg because he found his name to long. There was Zayn, who was drawing in his book the whole time except when he introduced himself. Another lad was called Niall . He had blond hair and was in love with food. He understood that one of their friends was named Louis, but he wasn't at school today.

The day went pretty well and so did the week. Harry and Liam started to get really close. Liam would help Harry to get to class, to take notes and to understand when the teachers were talking to fast. Anne loved Liam. She thought he was a really great friend for her son and she was happy that Harry opened up to someone else than her.

It was Friday and school finished a few hours ago. Liam, Harry and Niall were going to the soccer match. Louis was on the team and the boys wanted to see their friend. Liam had begged Harry to come with them. He had realized that Anne was always calling her son Harry and Liam had fell in love with the nickname. The lads thought it was funny

how Harry would have a big smile when he read ''Haz'' on their lips.

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