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The match went pretty well. Louis's team won and the croud was on fire. Liam, Harry and Niall went to see Louis when he was done changing and hugged him.

'' Lou, this is Harry, He has arrived at the beginning of the week.'' Niall said before eating his hot dog that he had bought a few minutes ago.

Lou laid his eyes on the curly lad as a smile appeared on his pink lips. He thought Harry was adorable with his green eyes and his curls that were falling on his forehead. He shook the boy's hand while saying: '' Hi Harry! I'm Louis. Did you enjoy the game?'' The soccer player asked. Hopefully, he was talking pretty slow which was making it a hundred time easier for Harry to understand. '' Y-yes. You were r-really good out t-there. '' the curly boy said, smiling at the lad.

The boys all talked a little more and finally went back to their own house. That night, when Harry went to bed, he had a huge smile on his lips. He had such a great time with his new friends. He had never gone to events like this which made the game even more amazing.

On Monday, the boys reunited in front of the school, talking about their weekend. Harry didn't talk to much. He left the group after a minute or two. He didn't feel like trying to understand what they were saying. He was really tired because he had a doctor appointment earlier in the morning. So, he smiled at Liam before going in his math class.

When he arrived, he sat in the back of the class, next to the window. He watched the students coming in the class one by one. Slowly, the class was full. The only desk that was empty was the one next to him. The teacher, Mister Ashton, started to make movement with his lips and the students opened their books. Harry looked at the book of the teenager in front of him to know which page it was. He started to read the notes written, not caring about what was happening in the room.

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