Harry hoped, Harry almost prayed that Louis said something, but Louis still didn't.

Harry could hear Louis' uneven breaths and noises that dangerously sounded like hushed tears. And that hurt.

Believe it or not, none of them slept any more that night


Mr Corden had come back to the theater in the morning. Both guys hurried to leave, barely acknowledging him and just hurrying to get away from the other.

Mr Corden's plan didn't work. They hadn't resolved their shit and maybe next time they work together it'd be worse.

Maybe James should have thought twice about it before locking them up. Nothing good could have come out of it.

Harry wasn't feeling good. He was feeling tired, his stomach was knotted and his hands were shaking, if not his whole being. He felt like crying, like he could fall down on the floor any minute.

Harry never knew that having feelings for someone meant that. Maybe it wouldn't have been this way if he didn't mess up. Maybe. But now it was too late.

He hurried to his car and quickly left the parking lot. It didn't take him more than fifteen minutes to get to his flat, but it felt like fifteen minutes too many.

He slammed the door of his bedroom behind him and he started crying, letting his back slide down his door.

Why was it so hard? Why couldn't he just forget about Louis? Forget his feelings and everything that came with it. Because now Louis was with Evan, he seemed happy with him and Harry was a selfish twat for wanting to have him back.

These months and the last days made him realize that life without Louis was worse than all of Harry's insecurities in a relationship. Maybe Harry was scared but he could have tried for Louis, he should have tried for him because now Harry was pathetic.

But it was too late. Louis was happy with someone else and Harry was left with regret and sadness and no Louis by his side.


"Mate, let me in" Niall said from outside Harry's bedroom door.

Harry had refused to go to school on Friday and he had cancelled his plans with Niall for the weekend. That was why right now at 10 p.m on a Sunday, Niall horan had used his key to enter Harry's flat and was pounding at his bedroom door.

"Go away, Niall" Harry said weakly

"Harry, please? I brought you pancakes" Niall tried

"I don't want pancakes" Harry replied, voice hoarse from all the crying

If Harry didn't want pancakes, then that meant that something was definitely very wrong.

There was silence on the other side of the door and Harry thought that maybe Niall had left. But then he heard something fall on the ground and Niall's voice.

"Harry, mate" he said gently "Did something happen?"

Harry took a deep breath and cuddled more into his blanket.

"I caught feelings for Louis is what happened" Harry said, his words slightly muffled by the duvet.

Admitting it out loud to someone was different than just thinking it to yourself. It made things more real.

"I know" Niall said

"And he doesn't like me back" anymore

"He does" Niall said firmly, and Harry could hear the frown he had upon his face.

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