"Thank you."

She nods and walks away.

Brady and Grey chuckle as soon as the elderly lady leaves. I walk over to where they were standing and smack both of their arms.

"Stop it, we're paying, you guys are so embarrassing," I whisper before taking the easel off of Grey and putting it in the cart.

We make our way to the cash register and realise it was the same lady who came over to us. I start placing the items in front of her as she starts scanning them.

Grey and Brady start putting the items into plastic bags and then carrying them.

"Changed your mind on the paintbrushes," the old lady asks giving me a smile.

I look over to Grey and Brady, both of them looking like they were about to burst into fits of laughter.

I give them a glare before turning back to the lady in front of me.

"Uh yeah, I forgot I had a lot at home," I reply awkwardly, trying not to make eye contact and looking for my wallet instead.

I hand her the money and give her a quick thank you, before dragging the two boys outside the art supply shop with me.

Quite clearly pissed off, I search for my car marching my way as far away from them as I can; both of their laughs were clearly audible, considering I've failed at trying to beat them and they were standing right behind me.

I unlock my car and get into the driver's seat before clicking my seat belt into place.

Grey and Brady open up my car boot and place the bags inside before getting into the car and sitting at the back.

"You guys are lucky I'm driving you to fucking practice," I snap, staring at them through the rearview mirror.

- - -

The rest of the drive was nonstop bickering and blabbering between the two boys.

"I can't breathe, did you see the lady's face?" Brady and Grey break into uncontrollable fits of laughter.

"And Autumn what the fuck is an easel?" Brady laughs hitting his thighs.

I shake my head, pulling over and parking in front of the WinSport Arena. Brady and Grey are still cackling in the back seats.

I sigh and turn my head around to face them.

"Are you guys done yet?"

They abruptly stop laughing, rubbing their eyes and facing me. They both give me a quick salute before exiting my car and waving goodbye as they enter the building.


- - -

"Yeah and basically this old lady ca-" I was cut off by dad calling my name.

"One second Raven, my dad's calling me I'll call you back." I end the call and make my way downstairs.

I enter my kitchen and see Dad and Natalie dresses up and Nove sitting in her little chair.

"Where are you guys off to?"

My dad turns to look at me, "Me and Natalie are going out with the neighbours tonight, you'll be babysitting their kids."


"I thought you said they were nearly the same age as me, can't they look after themselves?"

My dad nods slowly and starts to put his black, leather shoes on.

"One of them's 7, and the other two is nearly the same age as you, I'm pretty sure both of them are in the same grade as you for this school year," he explains.

I take a second to think about what he just said.

"Okay if one of them's nearly the same age as me and the other two are in the same grade as me, why am I babysitting them?"

"The two threw a party a few weeks ago while their parents were out of town."

My mouth form an 'o' shape and I nod my head.

"They'll be here soon, Nova's staying with you guys as well. We'll be back before midnight." My dad gives me a swift kiss on my forehead before returning the gesture to Nova. He grabs Natalie's bag and hands it to her kissing her as they make their way to the front door.

I grimace.

Back before midnight.

Four hours, I can deal with that.

Just as I was about to make my way into the living room with Nova in my arms the doorbell rings.

"They're here!" I hear my dad shout.

I sigh and walk over to where my Dad and Natalie stood, Nova still in my arms.

Natalie opens the door and I immediately make eye contact with a pair of oddly familiar, deep blue eyes.

Okay, I've changed my mind, I can't fucking deal with that.

hello everyone! this was a bit of a short chapter but i did enjoy writing it

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hello everyone! this was a bit of a short chapter but i did enjoy writing it.

by the way, if you guys are confused, this is what autumn was doing during the previous chapter. i hope that clears things up for you guys.

other than that i hope you all are doing well and i'll see you all in the next chapter <3

other than that i hope you all are doing well and i'll see you all in the next chapter <3

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