Chapter 26 - Hope?

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Loving You is Killing Me

Chapter 26


“Shane had an overdose. I’m at the hospital with him.”


“What?!”  What he said was the equivalent of ‘Hobos attacked some aliens in Japan doing laundry in a McDonalds’. It didn’t make sense.  

“Yeah, I’m at the Southend Memorial Hospital…” His voice was missing his usual energy. I wondered why I didn’t notice it before. How incredibly self-centered of me! Shane was Adam’s best friend! How could all of this be happening while I was doubting my sweet boyfriend and talking about stupid salads! What the heck was wrong with me?

“I’ll be right there.”


“How is he?” I hugged Adam tightly. We were all here. The whole gang: Adam, Peter, Zoe, Maria, and me. And of course Shane. But I was trying not to think of him.

“I don’t know! The doctors won’t let anyone see him!” Peter shouted in frustration. He pounded his fist against the wooden table that held many magazines. They shook when he smacked the table.

 I don’t get why they put these in a hospital. In a doctor’s office, it’s alright because sometimes you’re waiting for your appointment but when you are waiting for someone close to you, it’s pointless. The last thing I wanted to do at the moment was read beauty tips.

“His mother is crying all the time.” Maria looked like she was about to cry herself.

“She isn’t allowed in either.” Adam added as he held on to me and nodded towards a small woman sitting in one of the cushioned chairs. Her hands were covering her face and she was shaking.

There was something so wrong about this. Why couldn’t his own mother see him?

“Last time that we asked, the doctor said that they were doing some tests and that Shane was coming in and out of consciousness. They already got rid of most of the bad stuff in his system.” Zoe was holding on to Peter now.

I frowned. Why won’t they let his mom in if they’re just doing tests?

“We need to find a way to get his mother inside!” Maria exclaimed voicing my thoughts exactly.

We stood there thinking. Based on their faces, I saw that they were on the verge of losing all hope. I got sick of looking at their hopeless faces and looked down. That’s when something caught my eye.

Zoe’s shoes.

I recalled earlier in the day when I spied on the cleaning lady with Sir Walter. She did the most amazing thing in order to get away from her husband and go into the shoe boutique. She distracted him by saying there was something on TV that he liked. He immediately turned it on and while he watched, she made her escape.

Now, I wasn’t about to go to the doctors and tell them that there’s a Victoria’s Secret show on television but I did have an idea.

That was the answer, distraction.


“YOU GAVE ME THE WRONG BABY!” Maria screamed flinging her arms around in the air. She began jumping up and down and tossing surrounding magazines up in the air. “I WANTED THE BLUE ROOTS TO GO TO SEA WORLD! NOT DISNEYLAND!” She stomped her foot and then ran around in a circle.

The few surrounding assistants and doctors stopped to stare at her. Our plan was working.

“I’m sorry everybody! I forgot her medicines! Can somebody help me out here?”  Adam asked with a pained expression on his face. I don’t know if it was because he’s a good actor or if he was suffering because of Shane. I figured it was the latter.

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