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Kentrell's Pov 

I laid on tay's chest listening to his heart beat. Ever since what happened at the mall ty and i haven't spoke but i know he's planning something. But truth be told i love tay and nothing could take me away from him on slime. I kissed his cheek and he gave me a tiny smile with sleepy eyes. 

My phone beeped so i got up to answer it. 

Ty 😒: I'll give you one more chance to leave tay

Me: Ian ever leaving him i'm his and he mine

Ty 😒: Fine then kiss him good night cause it might be the last time you see him 

Me: Do anything to him and i'll kill you

I throw my phone across the room and tay gets up putting his arms around me. "H-he-" i start before i'm cut off with a kiss. "As long as he don't hurt you i'm ok" tay says. "No if you die i die i can't imagine a world without you" i say and he wipes away my tears. 

"I should go" tay says and i grab him crying. "Please don't! I'll call the cops i'll kill him just please don't leave me i need you" i say. 

Taymor's Pov

It broke my heart to see my wife crying like this. "I'm coming back i just gotta do something" i say and kentrell shakes his head. "No. I know what your going to do and it's a bad idea" Kentrell says and i sigh. "Please baby" i say and he sighs. 

He leans in and gives me a peck on the lips. "Just please be careful" kentrell says. 


JK but this book is seriously trash now and barely anyone is reading and i don't blame them my writing is trash and so un-original. When i got this app i wanted to make books that were different but a good different. But i'm thinking about deleting my account cause my books are trash compared to everyone else's. So i might take down all my books or delete my account entirely. Ya'll for real be lying saying my books good. I'm shocked i have the amount of followers that i do. 

So i hope ya'll enjoyed my books but we all know these books ain't doing any better. My groupchat books are just plain trash my bxb books are random and lame compared to others. My love letter book is cheesy and one year old could have written it. 

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