27 (Fell off)

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Kentrell's Pov 

After changing for the third time since tay claimed i was to exposed we went to the mall. "Hi guys!" i yell and joe smiles. Ty smiled until he saw tay behind me and i rolled my eyes knowing this was about to get ugly. "Kentrell i didn't know you was bring yo pet with you" Ty says with a smirk. 

"Well this 'pet' got yo crush so.." tay says with a smirk. Ty frowns in frustration making tay smirk in victory. "Come on baby" tay says wrapping his arm around me then smacking my behind all while smirking at ty. "You can't be doing that we in public" ty says and tay smirks. "This is about to get ugly" Joe says. 

"Oh really?" tay asks and pulled me into a steamy kiss. He grabbed my butt while i moaned in his mouth. My hands ran through his hair as we continued i sucked on his top lip while he sucked on my bottom. "T-tay" i say inbetween kisses. He pulls away while i try to contain myself from bouncing on him in the store. 

"So next time you tell me what to do to my wife just know that i'm grabbing my choppa and airing the place out" Tay says then turns to me and smile. "Joe lead the way" tay says putting his arm back around me. Ty glares at us but doesn't say anything i know ty and he's plotting something. 

This book so fell off ion even think i should update anymore

Hope ya'll enjoyed

Choke me (nbak) ~Book one~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant