"Hello, Ms.Ackerman. I am Lieutenant Harrison, and I will be debriefing you here today."

"Please call me Devyn." He looks at me in shock.

"Um, ma'am that would be breaking protocol."

"Well, I have my own protocol."

"I see. Is that why you don't have your driver? Or your guards? Ma'am you know it's not safe for you to be traveling alone."

"I didn't think the debrief would be about me?"

He clenches his teeth and ushers me into the facility.

"Our base is in charge of all things Rune. We track the latest attacks, where they might attack, and we use years and years of research to fight them off."

"Any progress?"

"Not really. The attacks are becoming more vicious by the day and it keeps increasing. Yesterday we had four attacks in district four. It's not looking good."

"Do we know why they're back after all these years?"

"According to our research, we know that they never went extinct. Most were killed off, but very few managed to get away. "

"And how were they killed back then? Why can't we do the same now?"

"Well, back then we had the rings-"

"The summoner rings? I thought they were just a myth."

"They still could be just a myth, but most of the books say that power from the rings that created them are the only way they can be destroyed."

"So, realistically we have no way?"

"Our technology has since grown. We can kill them but it would still take a lot of our man power and supplies, and if there is a chance we go to war with the Rahl's it will be difficult. The Runes are brutal creatures. They were made by the Red Saint to cause destruction and wreak havoc. They don't feel pain, maybe because their skin is pretty much impenetrable."

"I see. And what about the Rahl's why do they want to go to war?"

"You know the countries of Orien and Sidus have been rivals since...forever."

"I know, I've read all the history books."

"The Rahl's rule Sidus and the Ackermans are here in Orien. Both rival clans. Now that the Runes have made our security weaker, I think they may be planning an attack."

" And how successful do you think they would be?" We sit in the conference room with other fellow soldiers.

"They've got more man power, but we have better technology."

"We also have loyalty and pride." Another soldier yells out.

"They would have to get through all of us to have Orien or even you ma'am."

This takes me by surprise and some of them notice it.

"It's true. We've all taken the oath to protect the Ackermans with our life." Harrison adds.


"You said you've read the history books? The Ackermans saved us all, we wouldn't be here if it weren't for them."

"Wow, thank you." I say still trying to process how all of them were so loyal. Why would anyone want to stand by my father?

"So what about the rumor about a mole?"

"I'm glad you asked, because we just caught our main suspect today." Harrison says with a smile.


"Follow me." I follow him into a metal elevator in the wall. He clicks a button that wasn't even on the number pad but in a small opening in the elevator that he opened with a key. The elevator speeds down until it reaches a stop.

"We've kept him here for the past few hours." He opens the door and my words are stuck in my throat. I recognize him.

"Mr.Donahue?" He can't hear me because we're on the other side of the wall. I watch as he paces around the small cell. The glass wall makes it seem like he's an animal on display.

"He can't see you either. This glass is made so that you can see inside, but can't see outside from the inside."

"But that's Mr.Donahue."

"Yes. You may know his son-"



"How are you sure?"

"We arrested him and searched his house. There's sketchy documents that we are going through at the moment. And witnesses."

"I can't believe it." I rush back into the elevator and head up. As I reach the top again, some soldiers run to me to assist me but I hold up my hand, telling them to stay back.

"At least let me drive you back." Says one.

"I'm fine." I get into my car and hit the road as quickly as I can. Instead of going home, I make my way to Sloane's house.

"If you're here to stress out, I'm going to as you to not enter." Felix says as he stands by the front door.

"I'm her sister. I just wanted to see how she's feeling, Felix." He sighs and moves out of the door way making way for me to enter.

"Devyn!" Sloane yells as she's laying on the couch, her baby bump looking bigger than before.

"Hey, how you feeling?"

"I didn't think having a baby would be this hard, but here I am, struggling."

"It'll be worth it."

"I sure hope so."

"So, what did you and father get into it about?" I know immediately that I shouldn't have asked because her face turned into a pain filled expression.

"It's a lot to explain, and I don't want to talk about it right now."

"No, yeah I get it. It's okay."

"What about you? How's Andrea?"

"She's good. Did you hear about Mr.Donahue?"

"Yeah, Sage told me. Have you talked to Ashton?" It was then that I realized that Ashton was at Andrea's place because of that.

"I saw him today, briefly."

"He needs support right now. I can't imagine what he's going through."

"What could the Runes want so bad that they're sending spies?"

"Well, if they're going to attack, they need to know every detail about Orien."

"There's too much going on. I have no fucking idea what to think. Why do Runes exist if they're said to be extinct? Why does Sidus want war? Do magical rings actually work? Who are the moles? I'm so confused."

"There's so much you don't know. About our family. About the world. About Father."

"What do you mean?"

"Not everyone is as they seem. Promise me that you'll take care of Riley, and of my baby if anything happens."

"Why are you talking like that?"

"I feel like something bad is going to happen. Just promise me. And promise me you won't lose sight of what's good and bad. Don't let anything change the way you think. Not even Father, don't let him corrupt your mind. Devyn, you are so much more than you think. Bigger than all of us. You'll understand soon."

I don't understand.

Tears of Blood (wlw)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن