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I was rudely snapped out of dreamland by my blaring alarm clock. What a shocker, it's my final year of college. Time sure has flown by like a concussed pigeon. But let's be real, my perpetual fear of *whisper it* J-... I can't even bring myself to say it, has probably contributed to my time warp.

I stumbled to the bathroom for my morning routine, deciding to skip the makeup - not like I have any to begin with. So, I gave a dry, fake laugh to reflect my dry, fake face, and soldiered on. What can I say? I've lost touch with my humanity. It's like my emotions took a vacation without me. If only that darn accident hadn't turned my life into a walking marathon.

As I dragged myself to class, I arrived way earlier than the rest of the student herd. I doubt anyone willingly shows up here at this ungodly hour. We all have our reasons for dragging our sorry butts out of bed, after all. I slumped at my desk, attempting to catch some sleep. Note the word "attempted."

Visions of 'that monster' in my nightmares were like unwelcome roommates in my brain. But hey, who needs sleep anyway, right? I keep that little detail to myself, though - not like anyone would care to provide solace to the resident hot girl. Can't argue with facts, folks.

Before I could fully descend into dreamland, the classroom filled up with chatty students. They prattled on about their days and weekends, completely oblivious to the sleep-deprived goddess among them. Talk about an inconvenient interruption to my beauty sleep. But hey, let's not forget who the real star of the show is - me, cause let's be real, I am the hottest, okay?

The teacher strutted in like she owned the place, cue the dramatic silence as all eyes turned to her. Meanwhile, the students were MIA, probably off on a wild adventure or something.

I mean, come on, teachers need to get with the times - we're not exactly on the edge of our seats about what happened in their glory days. Give us the juicy gossip about your love life, maybe we'll pay attention then.

Just as we were about to nod off to the teacher's monotone droning, she abruptly bailed out of the room, much to our relief. Phew, dodged a bullet there.

And then, in walks this girl who can only be described as... unique. Sweat dripping everywhere, looking like she just ran a marathon in a sauna. And I'm over here doing mental gymnastics trying to avoid picturing her in her birthday suit. What is wrong with me?
(A/N *If someone doesn't understand what's the meaning of birthday suit, it's the naked form we are born with*)

"Well, students we have got a new kid joining us today, you may introduce yourself," The teacher instructed politely.

"My name is Park Chaeyoung, or you can call me Rosé, nevermind call me anything you want to," She said with a wink that I am sure was directed towards me.

What we got today? We've got a new classmate named Rosé, who seems to have a knack for making an entrance. And boy, did she catch my attention with that wink. Or maybe she just had something in her eye? Yeah, let's go with that.

I was mentally absent from my surroundings as I made a quick recap of today's happenings to write it in my diary and then, out of nowhere, a mystery person pops up next to me, almost giving me a heart attack. I was about to fall from my desk when the person caught me by my collar. But hey, at least she saved me from a face-plant onto the desk. Friends in unexpected places, am I right?

I looked at the face of my saviour, beautiful amber eyes staring at my dull brown ones, blonde hair and seemingly perfectly pale face with no marks, I was jealous to say the least not because of her beauty but her eyes that seemed to hold so much life and warmth in them, I kept staring at her while she did the same, suddenly our gazes fell to each other's lips instead, woah we got something interesting here rather than our eyes huh?

But just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder, the teacher sneaks up behind me and gently plops me back in my seat. Crisis averted, I guess.

So, note to self: today's diary entry? Definitely gonna be a wild ride. Strap in, we're in for an exciting day.

Someone's pov.

As I approached our class, a sense of foreboding settled over me. The air was heavy with secrets and hidden agendas, a darkness that clung to every corner of the room.

And then I saw her, Lili, after all these years. It felt like an eternity since I last laid eyes on her, but time had not been kind. She was different now, and not in a good way.

But what truly chilled me to the bone was the presence of another girl by her side. A stranger, a threat. I could sense the danger emanating from her, a force to be reckoned with.

I knew in that moment that I could not allow this interloper to come between Lili and myself. I would protect her at all costs, even if it meant resorting to drastic measures.

There was something about that other girl, something familiar yet unsettling. I could not place her, but I knew she had to be kept away from my Lili.

And so, with a resolve as cold as ice, I vowed to teach that girl a lesson she would not soon forget. She would learn not to meddle in my affairs, not to interfere with what was rightfully mine.

The shadows in the room seemed to close in around me as I took a step forward, determined to confront this mysterious new threat. The darkness whispered secrets, promising consequences yet to come.

And as I faced off against this unknown adversary, a shiver ran down my spine. The game had begun, and only one would emerge victorious from this twisted dance of deception and danger.


Author note :
Please vote and comment, so because it's makes the story on higher level and people get to know about the story.

~jenlisasuperior 🫂

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