Alekzandr Ikorov: XC

Start from the beginning

"Yes.. I've spent too much time on other matters. I'd like to finish this book sooner rather than later." He explained. For some reason that desire of finishing the book.. He felt like it wasn't just applicable to him. He opened the door, surprised to see Herod following him inside.

"Alekzandr!" He pivoted on his foot seeing the joyous expression of Rishall, that dragonborn looked excited to see him.

"I return at long last." He joked there were no customers inside, it was only around five something in the morning at this point. "And I brought a friend." He gestured towards Herod who seemed to be smiling.

"You didn't bring that cultist.." Rishall remarked happily. "A shame.." Herod looked to Alekz with a frown. Last he remembered he was helping Asher drag the cultist out of the shop.. Were they suddenly on good terms?

"I'll explain later.." He waved a hand. "Yes I did not. And actually the cultist is rather enjoyable after a while.. Anyway, I come to continue my work." Alekzandr made his way towards the office behind the front desk. He was excited, all those Rushiki inventions he would soon uncover, perhaps even put some of them to use.

"Your friend here?" Rishall asked, the golden dragon born moved a pair of glasses from his eyes. Herod shrugged.

"I mean I could use work.. If you need anyone to translate books.. I can read.. Anything." The dragon born looked happy at that. Alekzandr moved to open the office.

"Herod." He turned to face his friend. "Focus on the mission at hand... We know who the enemy is.. Let's fight that first." He clutched his breast pocket feeling the small cylinder of metal, the signature of his heart's belonging. The true enemy... Had he been able to focus on the true enemy? Perhaps if he did.. He would have left with her that day. Maybe his wife, and child.. Alekzandr took a long drink of his flask, blurring his mind into oblivion.

"Thanks." When Alekzandr finally came back to his senses he saw Herod carrying a litany of books towards the office he was currently trying to sit in. Some of the books were old and dusty, others looked newer. Like fresh shipments. He raised an eyebrow, setting his bag down and returning to the translation. "Looks like we're gonna be book buddies." Herod chuckled. Alekzandr scratched his head with a pencil trying to continue his work.

"Really now? And what do you have there, comrade?" Alekzandr began detailing the expansion of mystical bronze clad creatures. One of his personal favorites.

"Books. Things to read." Herod muttered. Alekzandr spun around looking at the covers, there were writings in draconic, ones in high elven, and another that seemed to be dwarvish.

"Impressive." Alekzandr muttered. He continued scribing, to see the creation of bronze sculptures that could be turned into full working autonomous machines with a single word.. Lobodovshki, Gennady Belyaev was a genius, a tad crazy but honestly what Rushiki wasn't?

"A.. forced labor device?" Alekzandr nearly jumped, realizing Herod was leaning over his shoulder.

"Bah! Comrade what the fuck are you doing.." He squinted his eyes realizing Herod had just.. Read the page to his right. "Did you just.. Read that?" Since when could Herod read Rushiki? Markos made sense.. A child of marrow.. Even Asher, but Herod?

"What the hell is a; Prinuz Les-baor?" Herod said the name of the device with a terrible Rushiki accent Alekzandr was almost tempted to backhand him.

"Prinuzesi, Leash-Baeoroar." Alekzandr corrected. "It's what you said before, a forced labor device. Every fucking home in Rushiv owned one.. It helped induce labor when a kid needed to pop out immediately. One of Orlov's... less exciting devices." He shook his head and simply flipped the page jotting down more of the devices created by Orlov in the previous century. "You read Rushiki now?" He repeated his question.

"Hah.. actually it's called the eyes of the rune keeper.." Alekzandr looked into Herod's eyes, almost feeling like he could see the symbol flying around in them. "I can read all written text. Writing.. It's more like the words become the common translation for me. But I can still see the original words."

"Hmm." Alekzandr responded. That was definitely more fascinating then he originally assumed.

"Sorry, I'll let you get back to work.." Herod mutterted, he turned back to his own work trying to assume the next few words he would translate, perhaps something in here. Could actually help him against this infernal threat. "I'm gonna find a solution for our problem in one of these books." Herod continued. Such a bold claim, he loved it.

"Knowledge.. Perfect my friend." Alekzandr grinned happily. He continued to read. Scanning the lines..

"Ritual diviner." Herod muttered. "So much crap about diviners in this book.. I've never heard that expression be used before.. You?" Alekzandr wanted to laugh, the man claimed to want him to get back to work but couldn't shut up?

"No.. I've never. You know what I have heard of?" Alekzandr pulled out a few strands of copper wiring and tied it around a nearby candle, he very quickly spoke a few magic words over it and burned a piece of paper. "Silence, you should try it some time." Herod began laughing.

"Alright alright.. I'll just bother you if I find something.." 'Good.' Alekzandr thought. "Now you can translate.. How to get honey out of a donkey's a-?" He shoved his chair back pushing Herod back into his seat. This was gonna be his whole day, wasn't it..  

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