Chapter 1: The Beginning

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A single boy was seen running away from the Arcadia Kingdom during winter to the snow mountains. He had black hair, dark blue eyes, and a necklace, that resembles a sword with a stone in it, hanging around his neck. As he was running away, he soon fell on the cold ground filled with snow. He felt his eyes growing heavier and heavier. As he looked up, he saw someone approaching him.

"What is a kid like you doing here? Don't you know it's dangerous to wander around here aimlessly?"

He could tell this voice belonged to a woman. When the woman looked at him, she sighed as she grabbed one of the boy's hands and tried to take him somewhere.

"My home isn't too far off from here. You can rest and eat there tonight."

"Who are you?"

"Me? My name is Ur. It's nice to meet you."

After a bit of walking through the snow, Ur and the boy she found have finally made it to her home

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After a bit of walking through the snow, Ur and the boy she found have finally made it to her home. As they sat down, Ur began to make them some tea. As she puts a cup in front of the boy, she started to ask him some questions.

"So then... mind telling me why you're running away from the Arcadia Kingdom? Isn't that your home?"

"...No. There will never be a day when I call that place home."

Ur could tell by the tone of the boy's voice that this was a sensitive topic for him. She knew if she lets the boy wander off then he would be at death's door in no time. Soon she looked to the side and saw the boy had a sword device.

"Boy... do you have anywhere you want to go?"

"Not really..."

Soon Ur sighed as she pats the boy's head.

"You know... I happen to be a strong Drag-Knight. If you want, I can teach you how to wield Drag-Ride properly so you can at least defend yourself."


The boy had a bright look in his eyes as he looked at Ur. Seeing this, the woman smiled as she could tell this boy might be a handful. When she looked at him, she soon had a serious expression on her face.

"I can, but promise me one thing before I start to train you. If you choose to become a Drag-Knight...use your power for protecting people. If you find friends and comrades that you trust, then don't hesitate to fight with all you have if it means to keep them safe."

"...I promise."

The woman smiled as she heard this. She could tell this boy had potential.

"Now then, if I'm gonna train you; can I at least know your name?"

"Sure. My name is..."

-Flashback ends-

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