Dancing In The Rain

Start from the beginning

-Stream Highlights-

- "Anyways, they actually shat themselves and just ran, it was the funniest thing I have ever seen" Tommy laughed retelling the events from earlier.

He walked over to the bush to re-enact exactly what happed but as he jumped out of the bush his foot caught on a branch and he ended up on his stomach. Tubbo caught the entire thing on stream.

"Chat Tommy died" Tubbo laughed.

- "Oh shit Karls calling," Wilbur said putting his phone onto speaker.

"Join the discord call" was all Karl said before hanging up.

Wilbur reluctantly called the discord call to be met with shouting and laughing.

"Ayee Wilbur" Quackity shouted.

"We're live" I shouted.

"Hi Y/N," Karl said enthusiastically.

"Karl!" I shouted.

"I'm here too ya know," Quackity said.

"Shut up short stack" I joked.

We all heard the discord leave sound and laughed. He rejoined soon after and we talked about selling drugs.

- Ok so the person that answers the least amount of questions right has to jump in the pond" Karl instructed.

We all agreed and Quackity and Karl started asking questions.

"Who did I call to make a song with?" Quackity asked

"A scammer," I said quickly.

"One point to Y/N"

"What was the name of the sword that the winner of the beach party episode got?" Karl asked.

"Easy, Blockbeards sword," Ranboo said.

The boys asked a bunch more questions until it was down to one more question, Tommy and Tubbo were tied for last so it was just them answering this question.

"Ok, what was Kinoko kingdom going to be called?" Karl asked.

"Pulupulu" Tommy shouted "that was the one I wanted" He mumbled.

"Correct" Karl announced.

"I'm sorry Tubbo," Tommy said walking over to him.

Tubbo walked up to the pond and stood in front of it.

"Do I really have to do this?" Tubbo groaned.

"Yup," Tommy said with a smile on his face.

Tommy walked behind Tubbo and took a few steps back. He started running with his arms out ready to push him when Tubbo swiftly stepped to one side just in time to watch Tommy plummet into the pond.

When he resurfaced he was gasping for air.

"Tubbo you little bitch, I'm gonna snap your neck," Tommy said standing up.

He ran out of the pond and chased Tubbo around the park. Meanwhile, I had gotten the whole thing on stream, and chat was going insane.

-Back to normal-

We were back in the car and on the way to the nearest corner shop. The boys insisted on getting snacks and pulling an all-nighter. When we arrived the boys rushed in and raided the shelves. Everyone had gotten handfuls of crisps, bags of sweets, and soft drinks. We brought the food and headed back home.

Once we were home we decided the best thing to do would be to build a massive fort. We gathered all the blankets, pillows, and anything for them to be hung on. We brought out 2 mattresses and started building them. Multiple times it collapsed and someone was buried under a pile of blankets, but after multiple attempts we finally got it built.

We turned on a movie and put all our food into different bowls for everyone to share. The movie was mediocre but by the time it was finished all the food was gone and Tommy was asleep. We decided everyone would sleep in the fort so everyone got into comfortable positions and tried to fall asleep.

I could hear Tubbo cracking jokes to Ranboo and Ranboo trying to hold in his laughter. I heard some moving and then I felt someone behind me. Wilbur.

He wrapped his arms around my body and rested his head in my neck.

"Goodnight my love" He mumbled.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.


1236 words

So exams have been pushed back two weeks but updates still might be slow. Anyways I love you all so incredibly much and you are very beautiful/handsome. AND DON'T FORGET YOU ARE VALID AS FUCK AND ALWAYS WILL BE. You are appreciated and I am very proud of you. Remember to eat, drink, take your meds, and have a good night's sleep. <3.

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