Chapter 35

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Happiness can exist only in acceptance.

~George Orwell


You know who the worst enemy in your life is?


The more you want to forget something, the more you seem to remember it. But the sad part of  life is, it doesn't stop for anybody, time passes, seasons change but those etched memories remain forever haunting you, When the things which used to make you smile now just give you an unbearable pain.

"Jagati, JAGATI."I felt someone's hand on my shoulder pulling me out of my thoughts.

This Jagati sounds similar Bugati to me, not just his most of the people here. I tried to teach them but I failed and gave up on it.

I turned around and found, my professor Steve Roberts. He is 65-year old man who teaches Electronic Circuits at Harvard University, where I am majoring in Business, with a minor in Electronics. He has those warm blue eyes, newly wrinkled skin and smile which is soothing.

He has been supporting me from the moment I sat in his first class during my first semester here which was 9 months ago, He even made me his Teaching Assistant, which pays my tuition and gives me some extra pocket money.

I took online classes and completed my bachelors from here with the help of dean. After that I immediately started working on my Masters. Education has been my solace so far, because other thing reminds me of him. Living in the most beautiful city, yet I wish he could see this with me.

"Could you be a sweetheart and take over my EE201 class today, I have this sudden meeting come up and I don't want the students to go astray, they have their finals coming up next month and thanksgiving break starts tomorrow." He asked me putting on his jacket getting ready to go some where as I was sitting in the lab working on my homework.

"But Professor, I can't teach them. I just help them with the lab every week.." I stuttered with a fear of teaching 19 year olds.

I look like a mice in the middle of elephants in his class, they here look too big for their age.

"I gave them some home work already, just sit in the class and explain those theorems first 10 minutes and then clear their doubts. I know you can do it, you are the topper of the grade remember." He cheered me up patting on my back and I nodded.

He left me again, with 40 min in my hand to reach the class which is on the other side of the campus. I walked to the bathroom, to wash my face and freshen up.I look completely different to me.

Not wanting to remember I  poured the freezing cold water on my face, which made me wince as soon as the water touched the new scar, which I got from the day he pushed me to the floor.

There's was time, when I did not know pain, When I believed in forever, and wished everything would stay the same, but now I feel lost and all I can feel is his hatred.

I hate you Jagati Jagadeesh Dhanraj, I hate you. These exact words keep poking my brain like a migraine.

His hate is making me hate myself.

Scars just another way to remind you that the past was real.

I wish I never woke up that day, but when I woke up I landed in a complete different country. The bullet lodged in my back moved and the only experienced doctors in that case were here in the US. They took the bullet out without me being paralyzed for the rest of my life.

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