Chapter 4

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It takes a wise man to handle a lie, a fool had better remain honest.
~ Norman Douglas

why is everything so sexist?

Every quote or saying says A man or He. Did they not have a she or a woman in their vocabulary? Couldn't they say a person or a human being instead.

They use He or Man for these but when it comes to bad words like bitch, bastard or any bad words in any language, they always target women. 

The world is so misogynistic and it makes wanna go Arghhhh....

I am gonna stop my rumble and start the chapter now.


It's been two and half months since I joined this college, it was hard for me at first, making friends, time management, the education aspect of a college is still hard.

Man, I hate tests. Are they really the measure of the knowledge I possess? I don't think so.

We have pop quizzes, The teachers go, I don't feel like teaching a class but I do wanna torcher you guys, so let's have a pop quiz and ruin your happiness, that's what happened today in our Physics class. As usual I sucked at it I guess, but let's see.

Manju, Sahastra and me are in the same class. We won't be in the same class next year though. Their major is CSE and mine is ECE. Manju always sits in the second bench with Bhargavi. She never joins me and Sahastra. Manju and Sahastra are polar opposites.

Manju wanted to join some clubs and Sahastra is talking to some of her friends, I don't want to be involved in that mishap. I left them and came to our room. Sahastra's friends are noisy and too much for me. I saw Kajal packing her clothes as soon as she walked into the room.

"Kaju, Are you going somewhere?"

"No! I'm packing to donate. We have to wear uniforms from Monday, So I don't need these clothes anymore." Kajal said stuffing them in a bag.

I smiled at her, she is a kindest of all. I wish she was in my class. She donates all her clothes and unused things every year. Never throws food away, and such a perfectionist. I walked to her and gave some of my clothes for her to donate.

"KAJUUU, JAAANU!" Manju yelled coming into the room and started jumping hugging us.

"What happened Manju? Why are we jumping?" I asked her laughing at her craziness.

My bond with my roommates strengthened within these 2 months. I like Manju a lot, she is makes me wanna improve a lot in every aspect.

"You won't believe what happened today. I found the best club for us to join. It's called Healing hands and Helping Hearts. It's a club where we can do social service every weekend, by teaching school kids, helping people." She said with excitement.

"Amazing! Count me in." Kajal said

And both of them looked at me for an answer.

"Duh! I'm in too. But before I sign up, I need to talk to Papa and Karthik." I told them and nodded and hugged me hard.

"I'm sure, uncle is going to say yes." Kajal said with a smile.

They all spoke with my father, it's just that they didn't see him. I smiled at the thought of them actually seeing him, that would be an amazing sight to see.

"Okay! They have this welcome meet tomorrow at 2. We can all go there together." Manju said looking at the brochure.

"Where are you going?" Sahastra asked us coming into the room.

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