Chapter 12

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A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.

~Mark Twain


"Where are they Manju?" I asked sitting on the burning hot bleachers, Why are all these made of metal?

"How would I know? I had to check all the notice boards for this stupid cricket practice schedule." She snickered back at me rubbing the sweat of her head.

We are waiting here from the last hour and I can feel the sun sucking the life out of me, wasn't it raining in the morning? I guess the seasons have mood swings too.

"They are coming. Hideee!!!" She yelled and pushed me off the chair making me land on my butt.

"Ouch! My butt and leg hurts. What if I died?" I whined at her stupid little actions.

"Dying from falling off a chair, Stop being dramatic Janu. Can they see us?"She asked peeking between the chairs.

We ducked down as they came by the bleachers. Devansh, Aarthav and Charan came by placed their bags down.

"I am changing here, I am too lazy to go back to the changing rooms." Aarthav announced and started taking his shirt off making me close my eyes.

"Manju, he is taking his shirt off here. What the heck? I didn't sign up for this." I yelped at Manju who's flustered red looking at Aarthav semi naked.

Someone's blushing for the first time in their life, looks like my plan is working.

I looked up again and there was Devansh shirt less looking into the bag for something, glistening as the sun hit his body. Is this like a golden hour, cause he is shining like a huge chunk of gold, smiling with his friends.

Oh my god! Why is my heart beating so fast? My throat is so dry, I need some water or I am gonna go there and touch him.

Move your eyes away from him, or else we are gonna have a heart attack.

I am trying but I can't, my eyes are like glued to his body. Is he really shining or am I just imagining?

Are they gonna change their pants too?

You are a pervert, I don't wanna live in you anymore.

That was just a question, it's not like I wanted to see him naked.

Suddenly I couldn't see him anymore, because Manju covered my eyes with her hand with her freezing cold fingers.

Let me calm myself down for a minute, deep breaths. I've seen so many guys without shirt on TV but looking at Devansh was an ultimate experience of all, I can't get that smiling shirtless Devansh out of my head.

"Are they done?" I whisper asked her.

"How would I know? My eyes are closed too." She yelled back in a whisper. I huffed and settled down, We can still hear their muffled voices, so we sat still calmed my mind and body till the sounds disappeared.

"I think they are gone now." I told her and she took her hand off my eyes.

I adjusted my eyes to the new found light and looked around, they left and are far away playing. I looked a Manju, who looks mortified. We crawled hiding towards their bags which are in the front row

"I am really regretting my plan, I didn't want to see that. Which one is his bag?" Manju asked me with a tint of red on her cheeks.

Is she thinking of Aarthav?

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