Chapter 19

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Amelia's POV


"Now you can go wherever you want, letting us be free," Nicolo said annoyingly.

"Everyone be careful" Aurora waved at us. We separated near the Eiffel Tower and went where we wanted to go. Nicolo and Aurora set out to visit the Pont Des Arts Bridge. Enrico and Wendy set out to visit the Louvre Museum. Cinet, Pius, and I could not think of a better place to visit.

"Now, where to go?" Cinet asked as he looked around.

"I can't even imagine," said Pius.

"I love to walk along these streets and see what is in the shops. There are also street artists, street musicians, and street magicians. There are more wired things going on here. Wouldn't it better to do that than visit one place?" That was my opinion.

"Okay, Let's go" The three of us walked down the streets. It was really fun. Suddenly, I saw a little girl selling flowers on the side of the street. Her cheeks turned peach. I went towards her and knelt next to her.

"Can you give me a flower too?" I asked her.

"Miss, what flower do you want?" Her cute voice awoke. There were roses, lilies, chamomiles, and many more.

"May I have a rose?" I squeezed her cheek. I also paid for it. "Where is your mom?" I placed my palm on her cheek. She pointed to a middle-aged woman and that woman came towards us. "Your daughter is so cute and beautiful. Take good care of her" I said that woman as I rubbed that little girl's curly hair. The woman took the rose in my hand and placed it in my hair.

"It's beautiful," That woman said with an elegant smile.

"Thank you. Now I have to go so bye" I waved at them and they waved at me back. I actually remembered my childhood when I saw that little girl. We started to walk again.

"Hey, Let's go to that coffee shop" Pius showed me that shop because he was hungry.

"Are you hungry?" I asked them. They nodded at me innocently.

"Alright," We went to the shop. "Let's eat while we walk. Or we may be late" I suggested and they agreed with me. We bought two Baguettes for twins, An éclair for me, A macarons pack for three of us, a fancy chocolate pack, and three iced coffees. Just as we were coming out of the shop, someone's bracelet got stuck in my dress. I didn't feel it. But the owner of that bracelet came up behind me and grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me to his side. I also dropped my coffee in my hand but I had finished drinking it.

"What the hell?" I shouted. But I recognized him when I saw his thick black hair and dark blue eyes. "Hey, Luc, what are you doing here?" I was surprised. Cinet and Pius came towards me.

"I have a concert tomorrow night here, that's why I came. Then you?" He asked me as he took his bracelet which had tucked into my blouse.

"Nicolo took us on a trip" I smiled with him.

"Can't we come to your concert?" asked Pius.

"Definitely, you can. So, come to the Eiffel Tower tomorrow night at 8.00 p.m." He said with a warm smile.

"That's great" Cinet was excited.

"Okay bye, I have to leave now" Luc left there.

"Thank you" I shouted. Luc looked back and nodded.

"That's cool," Cinet said as he looked back at Luc. The three of us walked along the beautiful narrow streets. The joy of street music was incredible. We also watched a few streets magic shows. One magician held up a rose from Cinet's pocket. We also went to a place where an old woman was prophesying about us, looking at the tea powder left in our teacups. It was so funny. She told Pius that he was going to be a peaceful person for the next ten years. And she told Cinet that one day he would change because of his life partner. I was told that I was a person who was dedicated to others. We did a lot of crazy things like that.

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