Chapter 12

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Amelia's POV

I came home from college. As I entered the house from the basement, I heard a lot of noise.

"Tell who told you to do this?" The man who tried to carry out the acid attack was tied to a chair and Nicolo grabbed him by his chin and slapped him. Because of the intensity of the slap and the fact that he had been beaten before, blood came out of his mouth.

"I can't" Every time that man spoke, blood dripped from his mouth.

"Still not?" Nicolo placed his foot on that man's thigh.

"Aww," That man's scream echoed in the basement. Nicolo had poured acid on his fingers and they were terribly burnt.

"Do you want to die?" Enrico slapped him.

"No" In addition to the fear of death, there was a firmness in his eyes.

"Wtf, then say" Nicolo's eyes were glowing black. The veins in his arms and neck were tingling.

"Bring it" Nicolo yelled at Enrico. Enrico brought the German pistol. Nicolo aimed it at that man.

"This is the last chance" Nicolo's voice ran out. But there was no answer from him. That person was someone who was especially used in such situations. They never betrayed their boss because there was an unbreakable bond between him and his boss. The guarantor of that bond was the souls of that person's loved ones. Realizing that there was no point in waiting any longer, Nicolo put the pistol in his mouth and fired. That person also suffered the same fate as everyone who opposed Nicolo. 'The death'

"We didn't know who it was," Enrico said as she looked at the dead body.

"Ya, but there was nothing else to do" Nicolo wiped the blood from his pistol and hands.

As I passed Aurora's room and went to my room, I saw our group gathered near her room.

"Why are you here?" I asked them.

"Aurora has locked the door from the inside," Wendy said widening her eyes.

"She is crying there" Pius tried to open the door but he failed.

"Will she do something dangerous?" I realized that Cinet meant something like suicide.

"She is shocked by what happened yesterday," I said while thinking about something I could do.

"Aurora, open the door. This is me, Amelia. Girl, please" I screamed and knocked on the door.

"Why, are you watching a movie here?" Nicolo came to where we were and asked.

"Boss, Aurora doesn't open the door. She cries a lot" Pius answered him.

"What? Why is that? Is this girl crazy" Nicolo crossed his arms over his chest.

"She is shocked," I told as I looked at the door.

"Why?" He started to chew his chain.

"Because of what happened yesterday" Cinet replied.

"Oh" Nicolo walked towards the door. "Hey, Shawty open the door. Don't make me angry" Nicolo yelled. Her crying grew louder. Nicolo decided to break down the door. He tried to break the lock on the door. Cinet, Pius, and Enrico assisted Nicolo to break the lock on the door. Their powerful blow broke the lock on the door. Nicolo went into the room but Enrico stopped him.

"If you go in like this, she'll be even more scared" Nicolo looked at his blood-stained shirt.

"Oh" Nicolo went to his room and changed his clothes. He returned and entered Aurora's room. Aurora began to cry like a little baby. We also followed Nicolo.

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