Chapter 6

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Amelia's POV

When I went to college and came home, I saw Nicolo lying on the sofa and thinking heavily. He ignored me. I also ignored him, wondering why I was second. I was straight to my room. I went to the room like a hero but ran back to the kitchen because I was very hungry. Nicolo laughed when I came downstairs, probably because he understood what had happened to me. But he began to think again. I had a lot of questions to ask him and I didn't ask them because I didn't want to interrupt his thinking. It was at such a time that I felt the lack of Wendy. I had to eat cereal because she was not there. Only Nicolo was home today. He was usually the least at home. I thought the others might have gone to work on something urgent. I ate from the kitchen because I was too lazy to come downstairs to wash the dish.

"Did you eat anything?" I asked because Nicolo had been thinking a lot.

"Yes, I have eaten well," he said without looking at me.

"It's a shame to hear that," I thought so.

I went straight to my room. I laid in bed and started to think about various things. Meanwhile, a text message came to my phone. I picked up the phone. OH! that was Camila.

(Camila=C, Me=M)

C: Hey, Girl, you did it well. That was awesome. Aurora's item was the best. The contemporary classical dance was also well done. Your lighting and sound management are great.

M: Thank u

I typed it and threw the phone on the bed because my body felt uncomfortable so I fell asleep

After a while, I woke up to hear someone knocking on the door. I woke up shocked.

"Why are you trying to break down this door?" I screamed.

"This is me, open the door" Nicolo yelled at me. So, I opened the door. But Wendy entered my room. With that, Wendy locked the door.

"What's going on?" I asked, unable to think of anything.

"I don't know exactly either," she said and took my hand. "Hey, you're so hot. Do you have a fever? That's what it feels like" she said widening her eyes.

"I slept a bit in the evening because I had a headache" I also thought I had a fever.

"Wait, I'll go downstairs and get some medicine," she said so and went to open the door. But she couldn't open it. She tried again but to no avail.

"Wtf, Nicolo has locked the door from outside." she slammed the door.

"What?" I was even more confused.

"God, what do we do now?" she was very upset.

"I'm not in so much trouble. Don't worry" I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

"You need to relax a bit," she said as she making my bed. I laid in bed but I could not sleep because I had a lot of problems in my mind. Wendy was sitting on my bed.

"Wendy I cannot imagine what is happening," I said trying to look at her.

"I don't know. But Nicolo was very angry. I think Nicolo has a problem with that Harry Wilder that you mentioned. Because I tried to ask Enrico about it yesterday but he missed me." She looked at me blankly. I got out of bed without saying anything and went to the computer.

"You must rest," Wendy said as she approached the computer.

"This is more important than just taking a break now" I wanted to exactly know who was Harry Wilder.

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