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mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy?😩

Y/n's Pov

"That was my father." I told the curious model beside me.

"Let's just go find the room where we will watch the movie in." I grabbed her hand and looked at the ticket.

*Cinema Room 3*

"We have to go to Cinema Room 3." I told her.

"We don't have to watch the movie if you're not in the mood." I felt Hoyeon playing with my fingers on my left hand, looking down.

"No. Let's not let him ruin this day. He has ruined enough of my life, I'm not gonna let him ruin today." I took my index finger on my right hand and lifted her head so that we will make eye contact.

"Let's go watch this movie and have fun." I smiled, causing her to reciprocate the smile.

I can look at that smile everyday...

We walked to the room and found our seats.

"Wait... where are the snacks that we brought? I gave them to you." Hoyeon asked, I couldn't see her face because of the limited supply of light but I could hear the franticness in her voice.

"It's right here M'lady." I took out the snacks from my sweatpants. It has a bunch of secret pockets which could fit a lot of things. I call them my movie pants.

"How did you do that?" She asked, completely astonished.

"A magician never reveals their secret." I winked, which was probably not noticeable because it was so dark.

"You're not a magician." She scoffed, and I swear, I could feel her roll her eyes.

"You don't have to roll your eyes... jeez... why you gotta be so rude." I joked as I puffed out a deep breath, crossing my arms. Hoping that she got the reference.

"Don't you know I'm human too..." She sang back to me.

"I know that song too." She said before kissing me on the cheek. I was about to say something but the movie started even before I could get a sentence out.

"Shhh... I wanna watch the movie." She said, putting her index finger on my lips then she opened the packet of snacks that she bought, popping some of it into my still open mouth.

"Ok... I'll shut up." I said, my mouth full.

*skip to after the movie bc i havent even watched it yet HAHAHHA*

"That was a good movie." I said, taking my last sips of my drink as I stood up from my seat.

We stayed back to watch the end credits scene, I don't understand why some people would leave immediately after the movie. Don't they know that there are end credit scenes after the movie ends?

I offered my hand to her and she put her hand in mine. She stood up and looked into my eyes. Since the lights were on, I could see the beautiful brown colour her eyes were, her pupils were dilated as she looked into my eyes.

"You ready to go?" I asked with a smile.

"Yup... but where are we going to though?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Wherever the day takes us. Adventure is out there!" I exclaimed, pointing upwards. This made Hoyeon burst into fits of giggles.

I turned around to see her with her eyes shut as she laughed. I looked at the girl as I smiled. How can someone be so perfect?

In Another Life(Jung HoYeon x Fem Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt